Sentences with phrase «insulin dosing»

"Insulin dosing" refers to the process of determining and administering the appropriate amount of insulin medication for a person with diabetes. Full definition
Proper and timely adjustment of insulin doses is critical.
Reduction in insulin dose postpartum was significantly greater in those who were breastfeeding than those who were bottle feeding.
Many owners follow the ten percent rule — never changing their cat's insulin dose by more than 10 % in 4 days.
Through daily insulin doses, formulated food and following the advice of your veterinarian, your dog will be able to live a full, happy life.
The treatment is smaller and possibly longer acting insulin doses.
When your pet is more stable, a glucose curve will be needed to determine why this happened and what a more appropriate insulin dose might be.
Never increase your dog's insulin dose without first talking to your veterinarian.
The initial insulin dose is calculated based on the body weight of your dog.
You should always allow your cat to become accustomed to a particular insulin dose and treatment plan for a few days before attempting to prepare a full glucose curve.
Changes in your cat's insulin dose always need to be made very slowly and very cautiously.
If changing your cat's insulin dose still does not solve the problem, your veterinarian may try your pet on another brand or formulation of insulin.
After such a period, maintenance insulin doses should remain relatively constant.
Increase or decrease the pet's insulin dose according to the results.
Monitoring is crucial to determining your pet's proper insulin dose.
The size of insulin dose will depend on several factors, including the weight of the dog.
That means peace of mind for diabetes patients, who no longer have to constantly prick their fingers to measure blood sugar and manually adjust insulin doses, and hope for recovering opioid addicts, who might face a relapse if they don't adhere to a strict treatment protocol.
and «How well have you (has your adolescent) followed recommendations for calculating insulin doses based on carbohydrates in meals and snacks?»).
This understanding of the various factors that influence insulin response enables you to prioritise foods that cause a smaller insulin response, as well as more accurately calculate insulin dosing for people with diabetes.
A T1 diabetic injects the appropriate insulin dose when consuming carbohydrates in any significant amount, people who are not diabetic have it done automatically by their pancreas.
Since refined carbohydrates such as bread raise blood glucose significantly more than dietary fat, this required higher insulin dosing in type 1 diabetics to keep blood glucose control.
Elevated HDL (good) cholesterol was associated with lower insulin doses.
It is simply impossible to eat a high carb diet and have accurate insulin dosing at meals.
Home monitoring: Though insulin dose adjustments should not be made without blood test results, home monitoring of body weight, appetite, water consumption, and urination can alert the owner to potential problems.
Remind your clients that using U-100 syringes and insulin pens from a human pharmacy to administer Vetsulin will result in incorrect insulin dosing, which puts their pet in danger of experiencing serious health consequences.
Insulin dose not stop you losing weight, glucose is not toxic and refined carbohydrates» are not the cause of the obesity crisis.
Implanting the HydrogeLEDs into the skin of diabetic mice allowed Shao and colleagues to administer insulin doses remotely through a smartphone application.
Unlike asthma, which is commonly treated with an inhaler, diabetes requires very precise insulin doses; despite Pfizer's insistence, some doctors weren't convinced inhalers would be able to offer the same degree of exactness as an injection.
The authors note: «Postprandial physical activity may avoid the need for an increased total insulin dose or additional mealtime insulin injections that might otherwise have been prescribed to lower glucose levels after eating.
This pregnancy, my background insulin doses dropped from 15 units of Tresiba insulin down to 12 units, and now I'm up at 13.5 units.
This is the original bible of low carb diabetes and correct insulin dosing.
Adequate insulin dosing is critical to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as well as enabling the use of protein for growth, repair and maintenance of muscle.
The average insulin dose was 12 % lower than the other group that received a non-sweet commercial tea.
Basically, you will use this graph to adjust your cats insulin dose, insulin type, injection interval, diet, exercise plan and lifestyle in a way that keeps your cat's blood glucose level as stable and close to normal as possible with the fewest dramatic peaks and valleys (nadirs).
However, with natural management with proper diet, exercise, and supplementation, you can minimize the deleterious effects of diabetes on the body, while minimizing insulin doses, which tend to otherwise progressively increase over time.
Administer half the normal insulin dose.
This initial regulation only gives us a starting point for your pet's insulin dose since there will be numerous mitigating factors that will affect insulin levels when your cat returns home.
Common causes for hypoglycemia include excessive doses of insulin, failure to eat, accidental doubling of insulin dose, strenuous exercise, correction of obesity or diabetes - inducing disease, drug effects.
The mean daily insulin dose was 0.40 ± 0.19 U / kg per day.
A component of HbA1c that is independent of mean blood glucose may not be modifiable by changes in insulin dosing.
«They gained an average of four to six pounds more than the participants who took most long - acting insulin doses
I had a double bypass in August and am now suffering high blood sugars that I'm advised to treat with higher insulin doses.
Inclusion criteria included diagnosis of type 1 diabetes for at least one year, insulin dose at least 0.5 μ / kg / day, mean HbA1c over the last 8 months < 13.0 %, 9.0 — 14.5 years of age, no other major chronic illness or psychiatric diagnosis, and able to speak English.
2) Never Change Your Pet's Insulin Dose Without Approval From Their Prescribing Veterinarian There are a number of factors that help your veterinarian determine your pet's dosage of insulin.
At the end of the curve, provide the information to your veterinarian so that insulin dosing adjustments can be made.
Strongly encouraging clients to purchase Vetsulin, U-40 syringes, and VetPen from your veterinary clinic is the best way to protect your patients from incorrect insulin dosing.
Apparently type 1 diabetics should take their insulin doses on a very strict schedule.
The incidence and type of adverse events were not different between children who received placebo and children who received oral insulin, regardless of the insulin dose.
An increase in insulin dose might, in turn, be associated with weight gain in patients with T2D, many of whom are already overweight or obese.»
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