Sentences with phrase «insulin increase»

It's also problematic that insulin increases fat deposits.
It is generally assumed that this is because insulin increases glucose uptake into tissues.
The last one results in much less insulin increase.
It leads to high levels of insulin in the blood and too much insulin increases testosterone.
Insulin increases net muscle protein by increasing amino acid transport into the muscle cell, by increasing protein synthesis and by reducing protein breakdown.
Bacterial production of insulin increased its availability and reduced costs by eliminating the need to harvest it from domestic animals.
If insulin increases, does this mean that dairy -LSB-...]
For every unit of free cortisol increase, insulin increased by 9.7 mU / I.
Not only are these specific foods empty calories with very little micro-nutrition density, they are also insulin increasing (can pack on belly fat), and potentially cancer - causing foods.
Now, experiments with rats and mice have shown that insulin increases dopamine levels by 20 % to 55 % in the striatal region, a brain area associated with pleasure and decision - making, according to a study published on 27 October in Nature Communications.
Campbell JM, Nottle MB, Vassiliev I, Mitchell M, Lane M. Insulin increases epiblast cell number of in vitro cultured mouse embryos via the PI3K / GSK3 / p53 pathway.
This means that insulin increases intracellular magnesium levels while reducing plasma magnesium levels.
Furthermore high intake of low roughage (purified) carbohydrates cause rapid increases in blood sugar followed by rapid insulin increase and subsequent steep fall.
Science has long known that carbohydrate consumption increases insulin — and insulin increases fat gains (Cahill 1965, Taubes 2007).
If insulin increases, does this mean that dairy is fattening?
When the blood concentration of insulin increases, hepatic glucose output decreases via suppression of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis and enhancement of glycolysis...
In a first set of experiments, postdoctoral researcher and co-lead author Max - Felix Häring found that insulin increased the proliferation of mouse epithelial tumor cells in culture, as expected.
When we eat, insulin increases.
Your need for oral medication and / or insulin increases
Resistance to insulin increases the body's insulin levels which can have a negative affect on ovulation by limiting the maturation process of an egg and in turn delaying or preventing ovulation from taking place.
Any zero calorie sweetener, whether it's stevia, erythritol or aspartame, still triggers this insulin increase.
«As a result, insulin increases the amount of serotonin and melatonin in our brain, which are chemicals synonymous with sleepiness and drowsiness.»
It is clear from the diagram that the insulin increases much more with the addition of milk versus the water.
As it turns out, it was the dairy proteins that caused the insulin increase.
Insulin increases the volume of blood in circulation by two mechanisms.
Fenugreek also ensures that the body's glucose level remains constant and that the muscles» sensitivity to insulin increases.
And that is exactly, what the chromium does to insulin increasing its ability to inform cell that the door for the sugar needs to be open.
First, the insulin increase in response to protein is a result of incretins rather than an increase in blood glucose.
Insulin increases the release of leptin, a hormone that also inhibits food intake.
As insulin increases, fat break.down and oxidation (burning) significantly decreases and eventually «turns off» while this same insulin increase turns up carbohydrate oxidation.
Resistance to insulin increases the body's insulin levels.
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