Sentences with phrase «insulin system»

«The team will further evaluate the long - term biocompatibility of the modified insulin system in an animal model before determining whether to move to clinical trials,» says co-author Dr. John Buse, professor of medicine at the UNC School of Medicine and director of the UNC Diabetes Care Center and the NC Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute.
Despite this, in October 2013 Mannkind applied for approval for their inhaled insulin system, AfrezzaANCHOR.
Furthermore, sleep deprivation leads to a sharper spike in stress hormones in the morning which further messes up the delicate insulin system.
A skipped meal can cause blood sugar levels to drop, which can throw off your insulin system and over time, create insulin resistance.
The insulin system in the gluten - free mice had deteriorated less than in the mice in the control group.
Tightly controlled blood sugar keeps your brain and blood vessels healthy, your energy levels and mood even, and doesn't cause undue stress on either the cortisol or insulin system — which when taxed over time will lead to bigger health problems.
This is why the insulin system needs to be maintained and not simply high or low, but somewhere in the middle.
If future research confirms that high glucose and insulin can in fact cause some cases of Alzheimer's, it may open the door to preventative drugs that target the insulin system, says William Thies, PhD, chief medical and scientific officer at the Alzheimer's Association, a nonprofit research and advocacy group.
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