Sentences with phrase «intact female dogs»

However, sexually intact female dogs were found to be at increased risk.
For intact female dogs, going into heat is an inevitable fact of life.
The measure will limit the number of intact breeding dogs to 50 per facility, but does not apply to breeders with 10 or fewer intact female dogs.
To eliminate this risk, please keep your neutered dog away from intact female dogs for 30 days after surgery.
The bill applies to operations with 11 or more adult intact female dogs or cats bred for the purpose of selling the offspring.
Mastitis is often seen in intact female dogs who either just had puppies or had a pseudo-pregnancy during heat.
Pyometra occurs commonly in older intact female dogs and will begin several weeks after a heat cycle.
It can make sense to recommend these products for life since intact female dogs have the highest incidence of breast tumors than any other companion animal and three times the incidence of breast tumors than women.
When she was brought in she was diagnosed with Pyometra — a disease of the uterus of intact female dogs that if undiagnosed / treated is fatal.
Reproductively mature intact female dogs start regularly going into heat, which is a time of angst, antsy behavior and agitation for them.
Although intact female dogs were more likely than males to achieve exceptional longevity, that advantage was erased with spay.
Conflict aggressive intact female dogs tend to get WORSE if they are spayed, so consider all your options!
Commercial breeder — general Someone who owns or leases multiple intact female dogs or cats and produces litters of puppies or kittens with the intent to make a sale.
Diestrus should always be considered an inciting cause in any new or poorly controlled diabetic intact female dog.
A draft of the proposed ordinance indicates commercial dog breeders in the county would be categorized as: (1) «High - Volume Dog Breeder» if they own more than 7 intact female dogs at a time.
One out of four intact female dogs over 4 years of age will probably develop one or more breast tumors along the mammary gland chains.
Intact female dogs leak blood during their heat season, and most dogs have a bleeding injury sometime during their lives.
* Urinary tract infection * Bladder stones * Kidney disease * Cushing's disease * Diabetes * Bladder or urethral tumors * Prostatic disease in intact male dogs * Pyometra infection in intact female dogs * Vaginitis in intact female puppies * Side effects of medications * Ageing (Incontinence) * Arthritis — Painful joints can make dogs reluctant to make the effort to go outside
It makes sense to recommend these products for life since intact female dogs have the highest incidence of breast tumors than any other companion animal and three times the incidence of breast tumors than women.
In intact female dogs, the risk of mammary tumor development is 26 percent.
There is an increased risk of pyrometra in intact female dogs.
Estrogens would be expected to have a similar protective role in sexually intact female dogs; unfortunately, too few sexually intact female dogs were available for inclusion in the study to test this hypothesis.
The basics on what you should know about the dog heat cycle If you have an intact female dog, you should be familiar with the heat cycle so you know what to expect.
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Tear As revealed in Figures 1 and 2, there was no occurrence of CCL in either intact male or intact female dogs, or in late - neutered females.
Apart from the risk of unplanned pregnancies, it is well documented that intact female dogs have a significant risk of developing breast cancer and / or uterine infections.
According to SPAY USA, an intact female dog and her mate, and all of their offspring, if none were ever spayed or neutered, can produce 12,288 puppies in 5 years.
According to SPAY USA, an intact female dog, her mate and the resulting offspring (if none were spayed / neutered) add up to 512 puppies in 3 years.
Most commonly there is an increase in drinking and urinating as the infection worsens and paying particular attention to this sign in intact female dogs is warranted.
Likewise, if you have an intact female dog, consider spaying her.
(15) In the Golden Retriever survey, there was no occurrence of cranial cruciate ligament tears in either intact male or intact female dogs, or in late - neutered females.
It is routine to spay (OVH) an intact female dog prior to or during surgery to remove an affected mammary gland.
Intact female dogs can have a false pregnancy 2 - 4 weeks after their heat cycle that will cause the mammary tissue to swell and mimic a tumor.
Once they've had several heats, intact female dogs have a one out of four chance of developing mammary tumors.
Pyometra should be considered in any intact female dog that is sick.
When an intact female dog goes into heat for multiple cycles without becoming pregnant, uterine changes create an environment in which bacteria thrive.
In summary, after the third heat cycle, the incidence of mammary cancer is the same in spayed or intact female dogs.
Did you know that just one intact female dog and her offspring can produce up to 67,000 puppies and one intact female cat along with her offspring can produce about 420,000 kittens in seven years?
Intact female dogs can develop cancers or other health issues that are related to the presence of hormones.
Another approach to possibly extend an intact female dogs life with canine breast cancer is not not only have the malignant tumor removed surgically, but to undergo an Ovariohysterectomy (OHE).
If your intact female dog escapes your yard while she's in heat, she'll probably get pregnant.
It isn't just limited to intact female dogs, though.
Spaying also eliminates uterine cancer, growths, or life - threatening infections that can develop in an intact female dog.
Mammary tumors in dogs are among the most common type of tumor found in intact female dogs.
Some statistics cite as many as one in four intact female dogs will develop mammary tumors.
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