Sentences with phrase «intact male dogs»

Sexual aggression is hormone related and mostly seen in intact male dogs.
And then there is the human issue of increased dog bites — especially to children — with intact male dogs.
Also, after being involved with dogs for 45 - years, I have found most owners of intact male dogs do a minimum of basic obedience training with them.
Thus, we might see two intact male dogs fight if a female dog is in heat nearby.
The majority of dog bites (60 - 80 percent) are caused by intact male dogs.
It doesn't take rocket science to employ responsible pet ownership and keep intact male dogs away from intact females.
Is there an abundance of male dogs, particularly intact male dogs?
Most, if not all, sexually intact male dogs with UTI also have infectious prostatitis.
This might also support the more consistent performance of intact male dogs for police and other paramilitary K - 9 units (left - pawed).
Answer: Intact male dogs feel the need to urinate frequently all over the place especially when they go to a new place - kind of like they are claiming everything, so it may be normal, BUT he shouldn't be trembling when he goes - that's kind of odd.
Diseases of the canine prostate gland are problems frequently encountered in a small animal practice, especially in intact male dogs over the age of 6 years old.
Spermatozoa: Spermatozoa may be seen normally in urine collected from reproductively intact male dogs.
They're often young, intact male dogs who want to call the shots with people but then tremble or seem to act «remorseful» afterward.
It is also why we see more dog fights with younger, intact male dogs at off leash parks, and why intact dogs of both genders are typically banned from doggie daycares.
An ill - mannered intact male dog can be a chore to deal with day in and day out, but common sense dictates that neutering and training are a better course than surrendering the dog at the shelter because he is difficult.
Not only do reproductively mature intact male dogs often start frantically escaping their homes to mate with females, they frequently mark their territories with urine and behave aggressively, too.
Intact male dogs sometimes challenge and fight with other male dogs, even when no females are present.
There are many causes of prostate disease, but this article will focus primarily on the most common disease affecting older, intact male dogs as it is these dogs in their prime that frequently start showing signs of poor performance in working trials, bite work, and decreased breeding libido.
Intact male dogs tend to be more territorial towards other male dogs.
Enlarged prostate occurs in 80 % of intact male dogs past the age of five.
In heat female coyotes can lure intact male dogs to the pack and attack.
Intact male dogs suffer from a high incidence of inflammation and enlargement of the prostate, as well as testicular tumors.
Tumors of the testicles, common in older intact male dogs, are eliminated entirely.
Felix, like many young intact male dogs, can become quite excited about other dogs.
Treatment of intact male dogs requires antimicrobials that penetrate the prostate gland, e.g., fluoroquinolones, trimethoprim, doxycycline, and chloramphenicol.
Remember that the most common signs seen with intact male dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia are bright red blood dripping on the floor from the penis, straining to urinate or defecate, or infertility.
In intact male dogs with UTI the prostate is almost always colonized and treatment must be designed to address the unique antimicrobial diffusion characteristics of this organ.
Bacterial prostatitis is a common prostate disease in sexually intact male dogs and may be seen in intact male cats.
In fact, prostatitis occurs in about three out of four intact male dogs over 6 years of age.
It has been shown that 50 % of intact male dogs have microscopic evidence of BPH by 5 years of age and > 95 % are affected by 9 years of age.
Intact male dogs are victims in 80 percent of canine cruelty cases, followed by puppies.
Intact male dogs are quite a bit more aggressive and unpredictable.
An intact male dog feels the urge to make his way around the neighborhood.
Your veterinarian may suspect prostatic cancer in an intact male dog, based on the specific clinical signs of pain, difficulty passing feces, infection or blood in the urine and difficulty passing urine) A digital rectal examination will usually allow your veterinarian to feel the enlargement of the prostate.
* Urinary tract infection * Bladder stones * Kidney disease * Cushing's disease * Diabetes * Bladder or urethral tumors * Prostatic disease in intact male dogs * Pyometra infection in intact female dogs * Vaginitis in intact female puppies * Side effects of medications * Ageing (Incontinence) * Arthritis — Painful joints can make dogs reluctant to make the effort to go outside
All intact male dogs have some degree of enlargement of the prostate gland as they age.
Intact male dogs with an enlarged prostate may also develop pencil - thin stools because the enlarged prostate pushes against the bowel.
You can also make sure that your dog never shares the company of any intact male dogs, particularly during estrus.
Outcome: Sexually intact male dogs were significantly less likely than neutered dogs to progress from mild impairment (i.e., impairment in 1 category) to severe impairment (i.e., impairment in 2 categories) during the time between the first and second interviews.
Impact of the study: Results suggest that the presence of circulating testosterone in aging sexually intact male dogs may slow the progression of cognitive impairment, at least among dogs that already have signs of mild impairment.
Even if their dog or cat never escapes the yard, an intact male dog or cat may come along who is very motivated to meet them.
Intact male dogs and bitches in heat find one another and breed.
Scrotal problems are fairly unusual with intact male dogs but can happen for a variety of reasons.
Two intact male dogs will fight if there is a nearby female dog in heat: that is normal, and not an indication of viciousness.
If the behavioral and health benefits of sterilization aren't enough for you, keep in mind that an intact male dog can sense a female in heat from a distance of several miles, and will go to great lengths to get to her, fences or no.
Intact male dogs are also unfortunately over 80 % of the dogs that die from getting hit by a car.
Intact male dogs are 75 % of the dogs that are hit by cars — they run away from their owners» home in order to find female dogs.
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