Sentences with phrase «integral part of the story»

That's gonna be a real integral part of the story of Kingdom Hearts III.
During the Square Enix Present segment at E3 2014, co-director Tai Yasue revealed that the sequence seen in the E3 2014 teaser would be relevant from the beginning of the game, and that the text seen and heard was going to «be a real integral part of the story».
Sure, there's saving the world to be done, but ultimately I always viewed the Deponia games as a love story at their heart The good side to this is that both Argus and Cletus get to have their presence felt more as they play a far more integral part of the story this time around.
«We probably have a cap on how much we can produce because artisanal manufacturing is an integral part of our story,» says Jevan Lautz, sales director and another co-founder.
Create content that features your brand or product as an integral part of the story.
Coogler treats the character of Rocky Balboa as an integral part of this story instead being used as a gimmick to bring in an audience base.
The lead couple's two sets of parents, rather than popping up periodically for comic relief, constitute an integral part of the story of how their children fell in love, broke up, and then found each other again.
Davis Knight's story, a white man charged with miscegenation for marrying a white woman, comes across more as a message than an integral part of the story.
The Extended Editions have become an integral part of this story saga, but with this film I'm betting we're in for more than expected in terms of what's been excised.
As scientist Jane Foster, Natalie was an integral part of the story.
I especially liked that the player is an integral part of the story.
GREIVING: In the novel, Ian McEwan made music an integral part of the story because as he told NPR in 2007...
Though the Vietnam War is an integral part of the story, that setting is almost just a metaphor for hell as the film plunges into the depths of darkness, this unusual mission ominously looming over the proceedings and fueling Willard's stark narration.
This time, they focus of old jazz standards, making them an integral part of the story.
This anniversary gave us the opportunity to celebrate all KIPPsters — big and little, past, present, and future — who are such an integral part of our story and our success.
Set in small towns along the Oregon coast, Stokes makes the often wild landscape an integral part of the story.
I felt the drought and all of its extensions were vividly portrayed and an integral part of the story, helping to effectively illustrate the attitudes and responses of the characters.
His relationship with his son, who has run away to join the Shakers, adds a warm human counterpoint to the attempts to solve the mystery — and it's not just tacked one; it's an integral part of the story.
I added the helicopter, an integral part of the story, but the cover remains uncluttered.
I love flashbacks which takes you to the middle of the action at that time, they are an integral part of this story as this way we can understand Floss decision to leave England with this tiny baby, it also explains her difficulty in answering Neva's questions about coming to a strange country with a baby and not knowing anybody.
It was a violent book, but the violence had a purpose and was an integral part of the story and place.
There was also the fact that for the entirety of Sons of Liberty, Solid Snake may not have been a playable character, but he was still right there with you, as an integral part of the story, and as an actual, prominent presence.
The scene is, however, an integral part of the story and is no more violent or gratuitous than similar scenes in any number of recent movies.
Like most Sonic games, the plot doesn't attempt to get too deep, which is a wise choice for making the custom hero an integral part of the story.
Quiet is an integral part of the story and objections ring hollow if they don't take that into account.
Horror was still an integral part of the story, with familiar monsters returning to the series and new ones emerging from the shadows.
(especially the latter), that integral parts of the stories are locked behind glorified paywalls.
While there are instances that DLC expansions are innocuous, there are other times, like with the Tresspasser DLC from Dragon Age: Inquisition or the From Ashes DLC from Mass Effect 3 (especially the latter), that integral parts of the stories are locked behind glorified paywalls.
Every skirmish is an integral part of the story.
And Melon have opted to go with 20» wheels as an integral part of their story.
How I can help and assist her in her healing will be a integral part of the story as it unravels and unfolds in my blog.
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