Sentences with phrase «integrity of one's democracy»

It is to be hoped that the recommendations made by the missions to strengthen practices are acted upon to guarantee the continued integrity of democracy.
«We must unite as Americans to protect the integrity of our democracy and our elections,» Trump added.
«Now is the time for us to get serious about protecting the integrity of our democracy by closing legislative loopholes,» says Swann.
Archbishop Dolan concluded his statement with a matter - of - fact declaration of what is at stake in the debate over DOMA: «The Administration's currentposition is not only a grave threat to marriage, but to religious liberty and the integrity of our democracy as well.»
What is clear is that this compelling and provocative book has much to say to religious leaders concerned about the integrity of democracy in America and about the integrity of the church in its public commitments
«The most recent election brought to our attention a serious need to reevaluate how we safeguard our electoral process to ensure the integrity of our democracy
The Trump administration has made a series of unsupported claims about voter fraud that strike at the heart and integrity of our democracy.
The application of Citizens United to state and local elections will be disastrous for the integrity of our democracy
«The integrity of our democracy is under scrutiny around the world,» he wrapped up magnificently.
«The integrity of our democracy is at scrutiny around the world,» Labour MP Tom Watson told Theresa May after tabling an urgent question on the matter this afternoon.
Electoral fraud is unacceptable on any level, and vulnerabilities can not be allowed to continue and undermine the integrity of our democracy
The integrity of our democracy requires that we, as constituents, have an audience with the officials we elect.
Such behavior is a threat to the integrity of our democracy and must not be tolerated,» Nana Akomea added in the statement.
Tom Watson urged the government not to join a «conspiracy» to undermine the «integrity of our democracy».
«Therefore, the civic empowerment gap harms all Americans because it weakens the quality and integrity of our democracy
«First, it is reasonable to expect that our democratically elected politicians will be peculiarly sensitive to the measures necessary to safeguard the integrity of our democracy.
Malicious influence operations are undermining the willpower of populations and the integrity of democracies across the globe.
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