Sentences with phrase «integrity when»

This would ensure that every wannabe is at least somewhat financially secure and will not become a selling desperado using scripts instead of offering good old fashioned honesty and integrity when dealing with consumers.
@Dean Letfus we would not even think about being dishonest, because my partners and I believe in the importance of honesty and integrity when doing business.
Her approach is based on respect, honesty and integrity when forging a therapeutic alliance with clients; after all, it is the relationship that heals.
All Family Law Group is the epitome of trust, honesty, and integrity when it comes to representation.
We need to give kids the tools to be able to stand up for their own rights while respecting the rights and legitimate needs of others; to handle conflicts nonviolently; to act with integrity when confronted with difficult situations such as peer pressure to cause harm; and to develop a personal code (inner moral code) that gives them the wherewithal to do what is right in spite of external consequences and never merely because of them.
* Proven success in organizational skills by recognizing core values and maintained personal integrity when measuring workplace choices and decisions to build and maintain relationships with stakeholders.
As you read through my resume, you will also find that I possess an exceptional attention to details, computer competence, organizational abilities, and the up-most integrity when it comes to handling cases, and maintaining client and confidential information.
We, at HashGains, value integrity when it comes to building a long - lasting customer base.
And given that their product is delivering hard news, there's a fine line between colloquialism and interfering with journalistic integrity when promoting on social media.
Scientists don't lose their integrity when they present scientific information in a way that policy - makers and citizens can understand.
The whistleblower - scientist, John Bates, claimed that NOAA broke its own rules for scientific integrity when it published a noteworthy scientific study debunking the so - called «hiatus» in global warming.
May I suggest that in the future you don't question someone's intellectual integrity when you are making elementary mathematical mistakes.
We all, sometimes, drop our integrity when we are biased by our «motivated reasoning.»
A high - level whistleblower has told this newspaper that America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015.
When I visit «realist» websites, and I see people passing judgement on Judith's integrity, I feel the exact same way about their reasoning process as I do about people who presume, entirely unskeptically, to say that I have negatively judged Judith's integrity when, in fact, I haven't.
One should be able to look to the academies worldwide for an open, balanced, and full discussion of these matters, with engineering - level integrity when contemplating what actions to take: in practice, the level of «post-normal science» (where the «facts are uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high, and decisions urgent») gets in the way.
Appearances aside, they don't feel like exercises in abstraction, but rather read like talismans, charms... «Allegory and Insignia» is a long overdue celebration of the artist's achievements and a vital dose of artistic integrity when it's needed most.»
On a happier note, Square Enix's CEO shows integrity when speaking about Hitman and Io Interactive, single - p......
It should be the registry of choice due to this untouchable integrity when selecting a puppy to purchase.
For the prospective author, then, the chief task becomes acquiring an agent who understands the book, has had experience with the market for which the book is intended, maintains contacts with the relevant editors who publish for that market, who has integrity when dealing with authors, and who will arrange a sale to a publisher that benefits the author.
The 40 - mph front impact simulates a high speed vehicle - to - vehicle crash while the 50 - mph offset rear - impact test measures fuel system integrity when the vehicle is hit at high speeds on the side nearest the fuel filler tube.
Despite the many flaws, teachers must act with integrity when delivering and assessing the constantly changing BTECs
Despite the many flaws, teachers must act with integrity when delivering and assessing the constantly changing BTECs The BTEC qualification causes many anxieties for many teachers.
If you've ever read one of my reviews before, and have for some reason come to the conclusion I have some form of integrity when it comes to film reviews, or if you've ever considered my opinion on a films worth to have any validity at all — stop reading here.
As a woman, I'm also constantly paranoid about my safety and integrity when it comes to meeting new people - especially stemming from a virtual means!
Thank you a thousand fold Ms Iredale for your beautiful make - up and just as or more important your integrity when it comes to cruelty free and not bending to the global market that requires animal testing.
It's important to buy blackberries organic whenever possible, as this is the best way to maintain their nutrient integrity when using them in all these scrumptious dishes.
In the second sense, it is a type of mental assertiveness that allows people to maintain their boundaries and psychic integrity when faced with the emotional demands of another person or group of persons.
Paul Gray was praised for his honesty and integrity when he stepped down less than two weeks ago over the security breach.
«You lose credibility and moral integrity when you try to go into the community and say, «We want to be partners with you,»» he said.
Most materials in the diaper are held together with the use of a hot melt adhesive which is applied in spray form or multi lines, an elastic hot melt is also used to help with pad integrity when the diaper is wet.
My dough was so wet that the muffins didn't keep their integrity when rising and flopped over the edge of the rings.
The award will not necessarily be given at every expo — it is reserved for just those companies that hit high marks on the criteria of innovation, inspiration and integrity when we consider their product offerings and their company and mission as a whole.
But, more than anything, GamerGate highlights two competing narratives: journalistic integrity when writing about video games and the struggles women face in a male - dominated industry.
But use integrity when engaging evangelicalism, and don't take advantage of such a horrific situation to do so.
Circumcision, Frisch writes, is problematic not only because it violates a boy's bodily integrity when he is too young to consent.
You just displayed your USUAL amount of integrity when it comes to answering questions.
I do not support the Mormon faith but, I recognize integrity when I see it.
I don't try to be mean but I value directness and integrity when I offer praise.

Not exact matches

But when you're talking about selling it to an institution, who are you getting that integrity from where is that security coming from?
When marketing exchanged its cow for magical digital beans, the promise was that this new way of doing business would restore integrity and sensitivity to selling.
«When you are no longer what Thoreau called a corporation with a conscience,» Burnett admonished his firm, «when you begin to compromise your integrity... stoop to convenient expediency and rationalize yourself into acts of opportunism for the sake of a fast buck,» he thundered, «[I'll] demand you take my name off the door.&raWhen you are no longer what Thoreau called a corporation with a conscience,» Burnett admonished his firm, «when you begin to compromise your integrity... stoop to convenient expediency and rationalize yourself into acts of opportunism for the sake of a fast buck,» he thundered, «[I'll] demand you take my name off the door.&rawhen you begin to compromise your integrity... stoop to convenient expediency and rationalize yourself into acts of opportunism for the sake of a fast buck,» he thundered, «[I'll] demand you take my name off the door.»
The study found that consumers say that a brand is authentic when the company consistently delivers on what it promises, protects consumers» data and respects their privacy and interacts with their customers with transparency and integrity.
Hofmann simply didn't want to make a huge noise when they were still focused on growing their community and protecting its integrity.
To demonstrate integrity every day, irresistible people follow through, they avoid talking bad about other people, and they do the right thing, even when it hurts.
(My own candidates include situations in which the person is the product, or when the values of the person lead you to have doubts about, for example, the integrity of a brand and the cluster of values the brand is supposed to represent.)
This is when we can create a niche that is uniquely ours, as who we are and the integrity we hold becomes as important as the product we sell or service we offer Another important part of being an expert is to be a good listener and note taker.
Brown [Google's vice president of diversity, integrity & governance] acknowledged that when she wrote that «an open, inclusive environment means fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions.»
«When misconduct is common and accepted by financial services professionals, the integrity of our entire financial system is at risk.
All of this explains why Lazaridis got huffy when the integrity of RIM's security was challenged.
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