Sentences with phrase «intellectual effort»

I've put a lot of intellectual effort into mathematics.
Even more noteworthy, this rare film celebrates intellectual effort as opposed to the usual physical talents.
They both represent a sustained intellectual effort by an individual or a team of individuals to produce an original piece of work.
The direction of intellectual efforts is typically the result of the particular character of the culture in which these occur.
They want citizens, legislators and administrators to shake off the moral palsy that grips intellectual efforts to cope humanely but realistically with crime and criminals.
Conscience, which dictates what we should do and induces remorse for failure, is the «semi-conscious intellectual effort to experience Divinity, without recourse to anthropomorphic terms, rational propositions or mystic ecstasy» (REN 71).
In other words, an understanding of spirituality in which knowing God requires intellectual effort tends to encourage an individual to think about his or her responsibility to the poor.
Disavowal not only takes a lot of useless intellectual effort that could be devoted to other things, but is self - deceiving.
The School of Engineering & Applied Science at Washington University in St. Louis focuses intellectual efforts through a new convergence paradigm and builds on strengths, particularly as applied to medicine and health, energy and environment, entrepreneurship and security.
The main gist is that intellectual effort does not solve stock market problems.
However, considerable intellectual effort and creativity were expended in choosing, selecting and arranging the Database and it attracted copyright protection.
There's huge intellectual effort behind the whole concept, and I think it would be really sad if that won't go through because of political games.»
This kind of sensitivity includes discipline as well as receptivity, for without ii «the appeal to the appreciative consciousness will result in nothing more than relaxing of intellectual effort
While many moral philosophers arrive at the same conclusion after much intellectual effort, the popularity of such as Ann Landers reminds us that their labors are not necessary to perpetuating the maxims by which most people have lived since that unfortunate afternoon in the garden.
Such were our intellectual efforts, when it would have been so much simpler to believe in Jesus!
THe process of reason is an intellectual effort that can take you from point A (an assumption or observation) to a conclusion.
While transcendentalism represented an intellectual effort to overcome the base material world with all its ugliness, meanness, and disorder, another movement arose among the uneducated which attempted to overcome the sinful reality of life by preaching the immediate coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the end of the world.
The result of this intellectual effort was my first publication, The Noise of Solemn Assemblies.
Some people are happy not to make any intellectual effort at all, which would be fine if they didn't see that as virtue instead of laziness.
Entitled «Intellectual Effort, «1 the article starts as a fairly pedestrian scrutiny of the then - current notion of the association of ideas, and more «active» methods of cognition, such as «invention.»
Before we scrutinize Bergson's specific ontological claim, let us examine what he says concerning the sophisticated example of intellectual effort, «invention»:
And, it can be inferred that the «starting - point» of the «circle» is open: the «intellectual effort» can begin anywhere on the circle.
Bergson uses the term «image» to indicate an immediate, direct «finding» which is more «mental» than raw sensation, but less than an «act» of cognitive apprehension.2 Roughly, «images» are the «raw material» of «intellectual effort
First, the founding is a new beginning — a new time — and much intellectual effort is made to differentiate these founding («American») ideals from what came before.
As the authors of Collaboration point out, however, in those projects «the information, resources and intellectual effort have been limited to just those individuals who could be in one place at one time.»
It's that intellectual element — the value added by somebody's creative human intelligence — that creators expect to be paid for when they offer products of their intellectual efforts for sale in the marketplace.
Any kind of attention is an evidence of intellectual efforts.
-- Finally, even the collection of the raw data, much more the different stages of analysis, represent a considerable degree of intellectual effort.
The representations of the «Two Hearts» and «Wave» diagrams, whilst standard concepts, were the result of the creators» intellectual effort and were held to be original artistic works for the purposes of copyright law.
Justice Stratas should be celebrated for his contribution to this herculean - intellectual effort.
-- the intellectual effort and skill of creating that data are not relevant in order to assess the eligibility of that database for protection by that right;
The search for the legislative intention in the context of criminal justice legislation makes unreasonable demands on the intellectual efforts of judges and lawyers.
That should be worth the intellectual effort, right?
The Court acknowledged that after the High Court decision in the IceTV case that a work is only original if it is the result of some intellectual effort.
There was no intellectual effort required to delve deeper into understanding an individual.
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