Sentences with phrase «intellectual endeavor»

The teacher creates a classroom community in which diversity of thought is valued and in which the students explore ideas by engaging in intellectual endeavors together.
As well, he sets out the areas of human intellectual endeavor by which «importance» leads to civilization.
According to Rorty, philosophers have hoped to find a way of securing an absolute fit between our knowledge of the world and the world itself, to show that in at least one area of intellectual endeavor human knowledge really does «mirror» reality.
Resurrection of the Body is a jewel among current intellectual endeavors.
It is challenging to juggle young children, a new intellectual endeavor, and all of your previous commitments, but if your goal is to do something truly for you then chances are going back to school or work is just one piece of the puzzle.
«There are few intellectual endeavors more thrilling than contemplating the role of human consciousness in creating reality and the universe, and Lanza and Berman bring to life the quest for understanding how that can possibly be so.
So while seniors in a traditional public or private school are cramming in their last AP courses as the final ornaments for their transcript and battling senioritis, BASIS seniors are engaging in a truly intellectual endeavor in the real world, and firing up the passions that will drive their college experience and their choice of career.
To make them the subject of art is to challenge the traditional separation between intellectual endeavors and the body, between the sacrosanct realm of art and culture and the ultimately equalizing domain of daily life.
Wolfram Alpha is an ambitious, long - term intellectual endeavor that we intend will deliver increasing capabilities over the years and decades to come.
This is an important matter both within the boundaries of postliberal — or any other kind of — theology, as well as across the boundaries of theology and other intellectual endeavors which interpret the same phenomena that theology interprets, but in radically different ways.
The reviewer calls it «a jewel among current intellectual endeavors
«Modern neuroscience is one of the most interdisciplinary fields of human intellectual endeavor in the 21st century, and no single researcher or laboratory can master all of the diverse approaches necessary to solve the challenging problems of brain structure, function, and dysfunction,» Anderson says.
Merriam - Webster defines collaboration as «to work jointly with others or together, especially in an intellectual endeavor
Theology is certainly an intellectual endeavor for the Orthodox, but it is more pronouncedly doxological.
Usually in our intellectual endeavors, we are not explicitly aware of mystery.
However, it is not necessarily in the realm of intellectual endeavor — monumental though Hindu contributions in this field may be — certainly not merely in this realm, that one would seek and find unexpected treasures.
EPP / MSI highlights the intellectual endeavors of MSI faculty and introduces minority scientists to mainstream research universities and institutions, according to Jearld.
From antiquity onward, attempts to comprehend the architecture of the cosmos have commanded a substantial fraction of humankind's mental budget for intellectual endeavor.
In my native Hungary, my father who was a scientist, guided my intellectual endeavors and my interest in humanity, while my mother's compassionate nature and trust gave me the freedom to explore the world.
It's sometimes an intellectual endeavor, as the inclusion of nerdy yups like Campbell Scott (Singles) and Liev Schreiber (Party Girl) would lead you to believe, so there's plenty of spirited conversation and pithy dialogue throughout.
Montrose, she explains, was founded «in reaction to the mushy sixties stuff» and is organized around the principle of seeking truth as the goal of intellectual endeavor and a commitment to service.
The Connecticut State Department of Education has endorsed student and school accountability measured by the lowest level of intellectual endeavors: standardized tests.
Empirical evidence is lacking about the effect of teacher dispositions on the uses of GST in the classroom, although researchers have emphasized willingness among teachers to learn more about and undertake an intellectual endeavor for teaching with GST as one of the key factors to achieve successful integration of GST in education (Coulter, 2014).
Dog training is actually an intellectual endeavor.
«Thinking, for LeWitt, was not a brain - twisting or intellectual endeavor,» she says.
Once again, Judith, I'm struck by your lack of interest in accounting for your own biases (note, I'm not singling you out as being biased, but pointing to the underlying nature of how cultural orientation and other factors create an human condition for biased reasoning), as we would expect from anyone that is taking a scientific approach to their intellectual endeavors.
Sorry Joshua, this has been my main area of intellectual endeavor the past 5 years, and I have published several relevant papers.
Sand's idea is to inspire artistic, spiritual and intellectual endeavors that transcend cultural borders through the construction of Leonardo da Vinci's bridge design.
«More than just an intellectual endeavor, counseling is a special experience.
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