Sentences with phrase «intellectual force»

Anselm we shall meet again as one of the greatest intellectual forces of the period.
Founded in the late 1980s, it became the most prominent intellectual force for constitutional revision under the Blair Government.
Founded by Michael Novak and Notre Dame philosopher Ralph McInerny, Crisis rendered invaluable service in the 1980s and 1990s by challenging with intellectual force the hegemony then enjoyed by liberal proponents of the «post-Vatican II Church» as represented by, inter alia, lay - edited Commonweal and Jesuit - edited America.
Will he continue to be regarded as an important figure only in the recent history of political ideas, or will he be resuscitated as a living, breathing intellectual force to be grappled with, criticized, and built upon?
The ideas of the ruling class are, in every age, the ruling ideas: i.e. the class which is the dominant material force in society is at the same time its dominant intellectual force.
Gregory identifies contemporary circumstances in which «religion» is refused a «justifiable» place, circumstances he traces back to social and intellectual forces unleashed by the Reformation.
Today, the vitality of our economic and intellectual forces depends more than ever, the attractiveness of our system of education and research.
Reformers embraced it as a powerful intellectual force for change and used it to propel the budding choice movement forward.
The Jesuits had been founded by Ignatius Loyola to serve the pope in countering the intellectual forces of the Protestant Reformation, and Descartes had set himself the task of establishing with certainty the existence of God, the soul, and the world.
In 1954 he ended his formal training with all of these intellectual forces converging into a social philosophy.
Reason and revelation may continue to squabble, notably in recent controversies over evolution, but these conflicts are contained and mediated by tradition, and few seriously expect our societies to guide themselves by anything except a dynamic interaction between these three intellectual forces.
It, too, needed rescuing by new spiritual, moral and intellectual forces, and by a new uniting and empowering community.
In 1960, it was increasingly evident, not least to people like Congar, that this anti-modernist discipline had become ineffective at coping with the flood of social, cultural, and intellectual forces that confronted the Church.
And that, more than ever before, scientists are emerging as an intellectual force in our society and shaping our culture.
We've become an intellectual force that policymakers look to for counsel and leadership when evaluating financial services and their effect on consumers.
Like Glenn Ligon, whose wise and angelic face is generously washed in light from the right, Walker is an intellectual force whose searing political critique has been visible and influential since the 1990s.
Q. Are the intellectual forces that need to be focused on the energy - climate problem on board (top - flight physicists, for one)?
As an intellectual force, post-modernism is now in retreat.
Where George Washington was the father of this country, Adams was the intellectual force behind the American independence, having assisted in drafting the Declaration of Independence with Thomas Jefferson and helping convince the Continental Congress to vote for independence.
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