Sentences with phrase «intellectual influence»

You've described your father as an enormous intellectual influence on you.
Money buys political influence; used cleverly, it also buys intellectual influence.
However, whatever the relative importance of various intellectual influences, the party's initial electoral success was reliant on mass working - class consciousness and solidarity amongst its core voting block.
He might be my top intellectual influence — he is certainly in the top 5.
(It is significant to note, however, that of the three, he alone today still wields important intellectual influence.
The Twilight of the Intellectuals, Kramer adds, «is also, perforce, about the impact of the 1930s and the 1960s — the two decades in which the political left achieved its greatest intellectual influence in this country.»
Some members of his team prayed the omission would not be noticed, though at a donors» party after the speech, two of Miliband's closest aides — Stewart Wood, who exerted the greatest intellectual influence on the candidate, and Stan Greenberg, one of Miliband's American pollsters — were heard joking to one another about the missing passage.
A large part of Noonan's intellectual influence came through his books — more than a dozen of them.
And as if to make it clear that Blue Labour's foot is firmly in Labour's door he quotes a New Statesman editorial: «the Blue Labour faction has emerged as the dominant intellectual influence on the Labour Party».
[7] Local notable eccentric, author, activist and journalist John Patric was an early anti-establishment intellectual influence on him, and a role model for the iconoclastic and theatric artist's persona Close learned to project in subsequent years.
The knock at official society was especially stinging, coming instinctively from some very ordinary youngsters, who has scarcely been exposed to any terribly advanced intellectual influences.
There she met Leo Stein, first in Paris and later in Florence, who became an important intellectual influence, and who urged her to study Cézanne.
Seventy years ago not many people would have predicted that C. C. Morrison, a 34 - year - old minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), was destined to exert a notable ecumenical and intellectual influence on American Christianity.
The battle of ideas continues, but it is not evident that there is a new generation of conservative philanthropists who understand «the precarious and temporary nature of intellectual influence
Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.
Curiously, Schweitzer's intellectual influence, except among New Testament scholars, is still negligible.
He also had a remarkably balanced view of populist movements, arguing that, while populism could endanger our democratic order, it also could correct that order's defects, which often arose from «the intellectual influence and the entrepreneurial politics of our democratic elites»» a formulation that could not be more apt in describing both the prospects and the perils of the current populist mood.
Rescue came in his conversion, and in his immersion in a quite different stream of spiritual and intellectual influences: the grace he found in the Christian church, the truth he adopted through its tradition, and the life of discipline (the Law) he embraced as a serious convert, priest and, later, bishop.
POPE»S INTELLECTUAL INFLUENCES The annual gathering of Pope Benedict's ex-students took place at the end of last August at Castel Gandolfo and announced the foundation of a new research institute focused upon the Pope's thought.
Surely the intellectual influence of Catholic thinkers who tended to confuse matter and spirit, such as Teilhard and Rahner, is of greater relevance than McKenna acknowledges.
The intellectual influence of.
The position, identity, and dislocations of the three painters in the exhibition, their political allegiances, intellectual influences, levels of reception and inscription in art histories, as well as their formal choices will be discussed by curators Cosmin Costinas and Inti Guerrero, M + Ink Art curator Lesley Ma, and independent curator and art historian David Teh.
The position, identity, and dislocations of the three painters in the exhibition, their political allegiances, intellectual influences, levels of reception and inscription in art histories, as well as their formal choices will be discussed by curators Cosmin Costinas and Inti Guerrero, independent curator and art historian David Teh and moderated by M + Ink Art curator Lesley Ma.
«Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist»
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