Sentences with phrase «intelligence approach for»

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For a few other approaches to keeping tabs on rivals, see «Competitive Intelligence,» the Inc..
For one thing, Page had been on the bureau's radar for some time — as he had been approached by Russian spies in the past as a potential intelligence assFor one thing, Page had been on the bureau's radar for some time — as he had been approached by Russian spies in the past as a potential intelligence assfor some time — as he had been approached by Russian spies in the past as a potential intelligence asset.
For all of his declared sympathy towards Dewey's approach, Rorty's neo-pragmatism can be said to contain «neither the creative ambition nor the engaged activism of Dewey's historical theory of inquiry and reflective intelligence which is in part, a theory of social reform and amelioration» (PAP 271).
The fresh approach will see a new intelligence system for the substances developed to reduce the length of time between drug - related harms emerging and effective responses being prepared.
Too Many Wine Brands Not China Ready Building wine brands in China requires a novel approach, but few labels are ready for the market, according to Wine Intelligence co-founder Richard Halstead...
Players have the intelligence to adjust their stride and approach angle to find the best position for hitting the back of the net.
Last week, at the Association for Computational Linguistics» Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing, researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory won a best - paper award for a new approach to information extraction that turns conventional machine learning on its head.
Still, it is «a good first step and a fresh approach to the intelligence of carnivores, a group we have neglected for too long.»
«In my view, simulation is not an adequate approach for such a deep biological problem as intelligence,» says Guenter Albrecht - Buehler at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago.
While the quest for a true robot scientist, or computerized general intelligence, remains elusive, this latest algorithm represents a new approach to the problem.
Could it be that the approach to intelligence we adopted for past wars is no longer appropriate for combating the newer threat of terrorism?
Obama has asked the intelligence community and the U.S. attorney general to give him some options for alternative approaches before the program comes up for reauthorization on March 28.
One final approach in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence deserves mention.
Obama has asked the intelligence community and the U.S. attorney general to come up with alternative approaches before the program comes up for reauthorization on March 28.
There are currently many theories and possible approaches to generating artificial intelligence, and Bundy warns that the field remains hideously fragmented for now.
In this New York Times Best Selling book I present a groundbreaking three - step program for conquering emotional eating — a practical, prescriptive, proactive approach using Emotional Intelligence that will help you slim down, eat healthfully and mindfully, and keep the pounds off.
It's a smart approach that rewards the audience's intelligence, rather than overwhelming them with conventional exposition, and keeps viewers leaning forward in their seats, searching for clues as to what the Shimmer represents.
Dominika is pressed into service to approach and weaken an American agent whose contact with a mole inside the Russian intelligence services has made her uncle's life difficult, but as one might expect in a film like this, she catches feelings for her prey, played with icy determination by Joel Edgerton, and things get complicated quickly.
by Walter Chaw Event Horizon approaches the science - fiction idea of a mysterium tremens, hints that it will be about the inscrutability of an alien intelligence — like Lem's and Tarkovsky's (and Soderbergh's) variations on the theme of Solaris, for instance, or that monolith in 2001.
Some educators have called for a more inclusive approach that does not glorify any one of the intelligences at the expense of the others.
Ritchhart (2007) advocates for approaches that position students as being able to grow their intelligence, to shift beliefs from being smart to acting smart.
For example, Dr. Joseph Renzulli broke from the traditional approach of defining gifted merely based on high intelligence scores and defined it as the intersection of task commitment, creativity, and above - average ability.
Educators work directly with researchers and trainers at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and then devise a plan for rolling out the RULER approach with their faculty / staff, students, and families.
Excerpt: When considering Multiple Intelligences theory for educational practice, one must keep in mind that it is a theory of intelligence; it is neither a specific educational method nor approach.
A: I think that Loris Malaguzzi, the principal architect of the Reggio approach during the early years, found my general approach to children sympathetic (I am very interested in the visual arts, for example, and I am a follower of John Dewey and democratic education) and thought that my idea of» multiple intelligences might connect to his «hundred languages of children.»
This idea contrasts the traditional «fixed mindset» approach to learning, which says intelligence is static and we are pretty much born with what we have, for better or worse.
Lo argues that we need more formulaic and robotic approaches to regulation, such as algorithms and artificial intelligence, for regulations to be more effective in future.
Swing Trading with Market Timing Intelligence Using Action - Reaction and Median lines to improve your timing for entry and exits Swing trading is becoming one of the most popular trading approaches.
This approach is really too silly for words and an insult to the dog's intelligence.
Our unique approach to game design was featured in an interview on, the world's leading website for news and information about artificial intelligence in games.
Establishing competing assessment teams within IPCC as well as using other approaches developed for intelligence analysis (Tetlock 1991; Goodman and King, this issue).
While this approach may not be ideal for your financial system or RMS, solid enterprise Business Intelligence (BI) technology is flexible enough to handle legal.
Mosten organizes the Handbook as one would approach the counseling of a client: with respect for the reader's needs, choices, and intelligence.
Whether a concept for a new product, an improved process or technology platform, or a more effective sales approach, we tap into the intelligence of our 60,000 global employee network every day.
And Fastcase's algorithmic approach to legal research, which doesn't involve tens of thousands of human editors, but involves intelligence software and good access to the law is built exactly for that.
Artificial intelligence has introduced an element that, coupled with the MVP idea, could change for the better how we approach the access to justice problem.
After ignoring its oversight responsibilities for years, as the eleventh hour approaches before intelligence powers near their expiration, members cite national security concerns as a basis to ignore not only the need to conduct any oversight but also constitutional limits on executive power.
As for serious predictions, I see a collision between two emerging trends: the need for employers to provide a better recruitment experience for job seekers versus the increase in systems approaches including the interest in artificial intelligence.
Charlie Ball, head of higher education intelligence at Prospects said, «This year's graduates can be reassured that we are approaching Brexit with a graduate jobs market that is in relatively good shape, certainly the best it has been for some time.
Use market intelligence to help plan and execute a highly disciplined consultative sales approach to implement action plans for new customer acquisition, account penetration and client retention, leveraging multiple relationships within customer base to drive greater account penetration and increased revenues.
This relationship - centered approach will restore your confidence as a parent and support your children in developing emotional intelligence, self - discipline, and resilience - qualities they need for living an authentic and meaningful life.
Measuring and developing character strengths and virtues Learning tools for building optimism and resilience Practicing positive mis - remembering Developing positive affect in relationships Building hope in a struggling community Conducting an Appreciative Inquiry Setting positive goals Understanding Appreciative Intelligence approaches
Educators work directly with researchers and trainers at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and then devise a plan for rolling out the RULER approach with their faculty / staff, students, and families.
My skill is in my contemplative approach, an ability to attune quickly to my clients & facilitate an environment for you to increase emotional intelligence & personal embodiment.
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