Sentences with phrase «intelligent design advocates»

In a commentary published Monday 11 September, Leshner said that efforts by intelligent design advocates to promote «critical analysis» of evolution and other controversial science issues put Ohio's economy and the future of its children at risk.
Would you publicly debate an intelligent design advocate?
In the spirit of fairness, I had a copy of Spore sent to Michael Behe, an intelligent design advocate based at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
All of which means that story number 1, about intelligent design advocate Ben Stein giving the commencement address at the University of Vermont, is TOTALL....

Not exact matches

Scientists who do not dismiss intelligent design as a possibility or who blatantly advocate it through their research are silenced, fired, and ostracized from the academy.
When one fires a» scientist» who advocates intelligent design from a job involving scientific theories and methodology, this is not discrimination.
The case has generated interest among advocates of intelligent design.
Too many advocates of intelligent design zealously single - minded.
Advocates of intelligent design claim that anyone can be led to belief in an intelligent designer by a scientific study of nature.
On his principles, advocates of intelligent design have reversed the proper order of knowing.
Not all advocates of intelligent design read the Bible this way, but some clearly do.
On the other hand, Calvin offers what is probably a better account of the role actually played by intelligent design among its advocates.
But the advocates of intelligent design can not escape theology so easily.
But in fact, intelligent design is mainly advocated in America by conservative Christians, who regard the account of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis as a scientific description of the origin of the world.
I only ask that this counsel apply just as much to contemporary advocates of Darwinian theory as it does to proponents of intelligent design.
But for me the greatest difference between Thomas Aquinas» Cosmological Argument and any and all arguments from design comes from what all the advocates of design admit: that the candidate for the Intelligent Designer could be, at least theoretically, just about any supra «human intelligent manipulator of complex artifacts, from outer «space aliens to Al Gore's Mama Gaia.
'' «there are no peer reviewed articles by anyone advocating for intelligent design supported by pertinent experiments or calculations which provide detailed rigorous accounts of how intelligent design of any biological system occurred»» Michael Behe.
As for advocates of «intelligent design» — the media - savvy group that has brought its ideas to school boards and courtrooms — they aren't even worth a mention by AiG, which makes abundant references to Darwin himself at the museum in the course of doling out ammunition with which to attack him.
You have strong words for the intelligent design folks, for example, describing one claim by their advocate Michael Behe (that an intelligent designer «made the first cell, already containing all of the irreducibly complex biochemical systems») as «utter nonsense.»
Instead, the institute advocates «teaching the controversy» — a legally safer approach, in which schools present Darwinism as controversial without endorsing intelligent design.
Here is to all the people who have, do, and will advocate for clean water around the world — from river restoration to ocean conservation, from providing fresh water for all to designing intelligent solutions for future water supplies.
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