Sentences with phrase «intelligent people believe»

What really amazes me is that some intelligent people believe in God and all that other hocus pocus that all religions push.
† Most intelligent people believe in evolution, and do nt need religion to have morality.
So I think it's more accurate to say that religion makes otherwise intelligent people believe stupid things.
Lots of very intelligent people believe in God.
In your post, you say that many intelligent people believe in god.
Why do otherwise intelligent people believe in such silly fairy tales they know can't possibly be true?
«Why should an intelligent person believe in God?»
The virus which has otherwise intelligent people believing in ridiculous things for which there is no evidence.

Not exact matches

Unlike some of the comments left on this subject, I would hope that intelligent, rational people would listen and make their own decision as to what they believe, that is the freedom we have.
Can't be too intelligent, as you seem to misunderstand that atheism, like any form of theism, is strictly a belief, and what a person believes has ZERO BEARING on how intelligent they can BECOME.
Is there any intelligent scientist (or person for that matter) that believes people were formed from ribs and not evolution?
You don't have to believe in intelligent design to see how there is harassment and discrimination against people for their beliefs.
It is painful to watch otherwise intelligent people contort themselves, with such weak - minded casuistry, beyond all limits of reason to reconcile that which they know with that which they want to believe.
So, maybe that's why there are plenty of people from 400, 800, or 2,000 years ago who didn't have your «advanced» knowledge but were still more intelligent than you and believed.
As Bob said there are millions of intelligent and strong people who believe and have believed but that doesn't make them weak minded.
Colin is obviously a critical thinker who is far to intelligent to be judged by the likes of people who believe in a imaginary god and as $ backwards religious book that promotes hate and bigotry.
They believe in events that intelligent people don't.
Its funny how supposedly intelligent people can still believe in this sort of thing... May all being have piece and happiness...
No truly intelligent person can honestly believe in such BS.
It amazes me to find an intelligent person who fights against something which he does not at all believe exists.
your «webbed» creatures never would have made it out of the dustbin of extinction and i believe a majority of intelligent and logically - thinking people would agree with me.
@zak: Most intelligent people do not believe the story?
During the middle ages, most if not all people believed in God, and a certain percentage of them were no doubt intelligent.
Yup, turns otherwise intelligent people into irrational sheep believing that some invisible sky being is actually listening... Nothing fails like prayer.
This is frankly — bullsh!t — and no normal, intelligent person would believe any claim for these reasons.
Why do atheists continuously assert that only a moron could believe the God of Abraham is real — a) many brilliant people are Christians — b) even if you do nt believe in the God of Abraham, why is it impossible for you to accept that an intelligent person could?
I have no problem saying that an intelligent person could believe, and this is because humans tend to compartmentalize their beliefs, and give special exceptions in terms of standards of evidence to the belief that they were either raised with, or feels most comfortable to them.
-- b) even if you do nt believe in the God of Abraham, why is it impossible for you to accept that an intelligent person could?»
I am constantly mystified how otherwise intelligent people can believe in a myth like a god, any god.
i find it extremely sad that alot of intelligent people here can believe that EVERYTHING spontaneously came from NOTHING yet they mock those who believe in a creator as the initial cause.
I figured this out, they want to look fake and phony, some one that no person in their right mind would actually believe a word they said, for they are looking for people who are not in their right mind, the last thing they want in their congregation is intelligent people who might question what they are doing.
People find intelligent design in the natural order because they believe on other grounds in the existence of an intelligent designer.
I can name at least 10 people who were tenfold more intelligent than you are and they believed in a deity
Intelligent people are just as likely to believe irrational things as less intelligent people.
We intelligent people who don't believe in some invisible space god have no need for your idiocy.
Wait a minute... Educated, smart, intelligent, logical, rational people DO NT believe in God and uneducated, naive, irrational, dummies DO believe in God?
Though many people who believe are intelligent (IQ), they rest their laurels on faith, which has no scientific support (logic or reason).
The capacity we have for maintaining cognitive dissonance can explain why some of the most intelligent people can believe in a higher being.
There are indeed many intelligent, sincere, well - meaning people who say such things as: «Whatever the controversy, and however strong the scholarly arguments against it, I choose to believe in the supernatural aspects of my faith, simply because it is very important for me in the life of my faith to be radically aware of sacred mysteries.»
There are many very intelligent people who believe in God.
«The study also concludes that more intelligent people are less likely to believe in God because they are more likely to challenge established norms and dogma.
I'm sure Nye has worked with very intelligent people who believe in God.
If I believe in something, that doesn't make me any less intelligent than you, nor does it make me a bad person.
These powerful emotions are enough to allow otherwise intelligent people to believe virtually anything put in front or, or taught to them, that they can somehow gain comfort from.
The problem is that organized religion is as much political animal as any other human convention involving more than 2 people, and spiritual, thinking individuals are intelligent enough to know that churches / mosques / community reprogramming centers actually have very little to do with what one actually believes...
I personally don't care what people believe, but I do ask that they not assume I'm less of a good person, or less of an intelligent person, because my beliefs are not their own.
That intelligent people get converted from time to time is certainly not a proof that what they now believe is true, and I don't get the sense that he's using the intelligence of these people as rhetorical weight to support an argument about the truth of what he believes to be true.
But realize that his stories are not meant to convince atheists like you that what he believes is true, but rather to show you how — in his experience — people (including an apparently sophisticated and intelligent physicist who was once an atheist) come to such a belief.
To put it another way, if a large segment of the population believed that rocks fly when no one is watching them (let's call them Rockists», then for those of us intelligent reasonable people, we'd have a word like «Arockist».
If there is a hell, I'm sure your imaginary friends imaginary nemesis has a special place reserved especially for you given how poorly you treat people and if you seriously believe people as miserable and hateful as you are going to this imaginary place called heaven, not many intelligent people would wish to be around such a hateful, bigoted, uneducated person like you.
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