Sentences with phrase «intelligent vehicle»

At the 2015 CES in Las Vegas, Volkswagen is showcasing the ongoing development of more connected, more intelligent vehicles by demonstrating four main aspects of emerging mobility technology: computer - controlled drive systems; app and smartphone integration; intuitive vehicle operation; and autonomous and semi-autonomous driving.
Some futurists predict a day when technology will connect intelligent vehicles with high - tech highways to provide a seamless flow of traffic.
In June, Shanghai opened the country's first intelligent vehicle pilot zone, where its trialed about 200 vehicles across nine miles (15 kilometers) of test roads in a closed zone at Shanghai's international automobile city, the government said in a statement.
The test zone uses cameras, communication bases, and radar systems to help intelligent vehicles drive in nearly 30 simulated environments.
The announcement has helped focus attention and research dollars on intelligent vehicle technologies, according to Bai.
«Our simple algorithm only requires basic vehicle intelligence, but is also fully compatible with more intelligent vehicles that may come in the future,» Yang adds.
China's speeding up its backing for the development of «intelligent vehicles» (link in Chinese), which the new rules define as those capable of partially or fully driving themselves.
«We need to be analysing the types of risk that that these intelligent vehicles are facing and work to provide a secure, reliable and trusted protection system,» Professor Rakotonirainy said.
We've included this 2018 Toyota Avalon review on our site to make it easy for you to find the details and specs you need to make an intelligent vehicle purchase.
The Nissan Maxima is a high - octane and intelligent vehicle, sure to make a brilliant first impression.
We've included this 2018 Toyota Camry review on our site to make it easy for you to find the facts and figures you need to make an intelligent vehicle purchase.
This intelligent vehicle will ensure your safety with its advanced technology systems.
It's where an intelligent vehicle can help you the most,» said chief engineer Alex Heslop.
The interesting thing is that this company that showed such a dislike for cash value life insurance soon was selling mutual funds in order that their vast policy owner base would have an intelligent vehicle through which they could accumulate some money.
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