Sentences with phrase «intended learning targets»

Validity means the degree to which an assessment measures the intended learning targets.
There are any number of assessment tactics, strategies, or techniques that can help teachers determine student proficiency on intended learning targets.
Definition of High Quality: Each student is engaged with rigorous and relevant curriculum that focuses on intended learning targets.
They keep students informed of their learning progress and the intended learning targets, using both qualitative and quantitative data.
Based on that evidence, the teacher (or even the student) decides how close is the student to the intended learning target?
Assessment literate individuals believe that intended learning target (s) must be clear, appropriate, and available for all involved — most importantly students — to see from the outset of instruction and assessment.
This gives students voice and choice as they decide what evidence they will provide to prove they have reached proficiency in the intended learning target.

Not exact matches

We intend to use the learnings in a second phase to target the highest value customers with the greatest propensity to purchase.
They learn about composition, materials, and use (like how many passengers were intended for this car), and how they can apply that knowledge to their target customer's wants.
Dobbertin describes how «learning targets» — standards - based statements of intended learning — help teachers focus the differentiated learning activities they provide students so that each activity connects to needed skills.
Beyond that, practitioners (including teachers and school leaders) have attained appropriate levels of assessment literacy when they can adjust assessment practices to fit different purposes (support or certify learning), routinely rely on clear learning targets, actually gather dependable evidence of student learning, communicate results effectively to intended users, and maximize the positive motivational impact of assessments.
Getting students involved in analyzing their mistakes on tests helps them to understand the intended learning, the immediate next steps they need to take in their journey toward learning targets, and gives them a clearer picture as to just where they are in the journey.
In the absence of being able to provide individualized feedback to students, group discussion of assessment items and the intended responses and thinking processes that were targeted can be valuable in the learning process for students.
These guides will help you learn about keyword targeting, how to reach your intended audience, on - page factors and more.
This is achieved by learning each guard's movement pattern and using objects in the environment, which can range from an empty can to a sniper rifle, to clear a path to your intended target.
Target User Community: As with the other resources provided through, this page is primarily intended for audiences, such as data innovators, who want to use government data to develop tools to help others learn about the impacts of climate change or make decisions in which climate change plays a role.
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