Sentences with phrase «intended victim»

The phrase "intended victim" refers to a person who was specifically targeted to be harmed or affected in a negative way by someone else. Full definition
The men of the camp are its next intended victims, and soon, no one can trust the others.
Bill, of course, is at the end of her list of intended victims, but there are four more former team members that she must eliminate beforehand.
At best, swatting leads to both law enforcement and intended victim scratching their heads; at worst, innocent people like Finch — who didn't even play video games — die.
... To encourage an established prostitute to change her business relationship necessarily implies that a defendant intends a victim «to become a prostitute» in the future regardless of her current status.
His first intended victim was Alicia Parks, an agent who was showing him a vacant property.
Ronan is aided by The Bell Killers next intended victim, Joy, who just so happens to be a medium who can not only see but talk to Ronan.
The key is to fight the cyber enemy with the same level of sophistication and respect that they have for their intended victims.
Sorry, Dude, but this routine of right - wingers, «religious wrong» and anti-gays whining that their intended victims are «the real bullies» is getting mighty old.
There's NO use telling this big fat anti-gay lie that your intended victims are «the real haters.»
She was not, however, the intended victim, and we discover that the key to the tangled web of relationships lies again with a thoroughly unpleasant person who has used information to threaten people.
cases, the intended victims of drone strikes have, in fact, had many opportunities to change their ways or surrender.
Moreover, a new investigative work has just appeared revealing that, far from collaborating with the military dictatorship, the future pope actually saved many of its intended victims, just as Oskar Schindler rescued Jews from the Nazis.
He could have pressed charges since he was the intended victim and sued him like Chiesa did, but he didn't
The judge issued an order of protection in favor of Michael Chiesa, Ozzy Arias, Ray Borg, Ricardo Chico, but not Khabib, the guy that was he's intended victim, that means he didn't press charges my respect for Khabib went up DagestanI gangster.
The bill approved by the Senate would establish a new offense of murder in the first degree when the intended victim was a child 12 years or younger with a maximum penalty of life without parole.
The intended victim is prepared to testify.
A Steuben County farmer and two of his overseers face felony charges for putting out poison that killed two bald eagles and a red - tailed hawk, though they were not the intended victims.
If President Donald Trump was the intended villain in Gov. Andrew Cuomo's election - year budget, Mayor Bill de Blasio appears to be its intended victim.
Through a series of increasingly entangling steps that she catalogs, they move in for the kill without regard to propriety or the intended victim's welfare.
Immanuel Kant, the 18th century philosopher who was the most famous proponent of the theory, once argued that it was always wrong to lie, even if a murderer asked whether his intended victim was inside a house so he could kill him.
One possibility is that because the pseudogene's RNA looks so much like the first half of the Makorin1 RNA, it is able to lure destructive enzymes away from their intended victim.
They will typically choose attractive people and they will usually tailor their profiles using fake demographic information based on that of their intended victim.
But all the plans come to naught when Joe falls in love with his intended victim, Ellen.
Dale saves the life of one of their intended victims, and Nick has a crisis of conscience just before the point of no return.
When Abe (Walker) learns that his intended victim is a vampire, he enlists the aid of Henry Sturgess (Cooper), a vampire killer who hides secrets of his own.
Meanwhile, the beau of dream version Margot becomes a victim of the Aswang, a Filipino vampire (here referred to as a jungle vampire, whose steps become louder the further they are away from their intended victim).
Their plan goes horribly wrong, however, when their intended victim turns out to be more frightening than they ever anticipated.
Blanchett is brought in for questioning, and when finding she has killed innocents, she is devastated by her error, both at having killed the wrong people and the fact that her intended victim is still alive.
It's been brilliant elsewhere, but here it's just dull — forcing us to suffer interminably before Mike moves in on his intended victims.
After politely responding in the negative, James and Kristen are later attacked by a trio of mysterious, masked strangers — two women and one man — who take an unarticulated psychosexual delight in toying with their intended victims.
Looking for compensation, The Dude confronts the intended victim, only to be inadvertently drawn into a web of kidnappings, ransom drops and nihilists.
From the very first scene of the stupefyingly shallow, but highly energetic b - movie, Crank, suspension of disbelief is an absolute must — I mean, what kind of hit man would actually leave video evidence of a murder at the scene of the crime, or give the intended victim a window of opportunity to exact revenge on him?
Page wants to finally part ways and fly the con on her own, but Max is worried she isn't ready because she might make the mistake of falling for one of the intended victims.
Because humor is in the funny bone of the beholder, here's a litmus test, in case you're interested in watching it: As Navin is working at a gas station, a crazed gunman, for reasons not apparent (he chooses Navin as his intended victim randomly out of a phone book), begins to open fire on him with a rifle, missing him, and striking some cans of motor oil next to Navin.
Movies of this ilk depend upon the intended victims» ability to run, hide and fight back.
Still, there is much in Creasy's actions that is repulsive, as he seems to take great pride in making his intended victims suffer cruelly in their final moments, as if it isn't enough for them to die — they need to die horribly.
Accidentally, the bullets fired by Ray claimed a small boy along with their intended victim.
But their intended victim is not nearly as helpless as he seems.
With all the commotion that had been going on in the busy hospital and with it crawling with cops, the film (without any explanations or reasons) has the killer chase his intended victim across 3 separate floors without running into a single person.
Meanwhile, one of their intended victims, Nick (Cori Gonzalez - Macuer), has been turned into a new vampire.
As the former administrator of a secondary school serving an inner - city African - American population, I have often wondered whether Mr. Yette's predictions might not be coming true — in most cases with the help of the intended victims themselves.
Riley is saved from having to commit the grisly act when the intended victim turns out to be a scientist from the future, part of the FBI's Witness Anonymous Relocation Program (WARP) Riley is unwittingly transported via wormhole to modern day London, followed closely by Garrick.
He had tried to lure at least one person into an abandoned lot, but the intended victim had escaped and reported the incident.
But when a startling discovery suggests that Cat may have been the intended victim, Bailey is suddenly up to her bed head in a high - profile investigation that's perfect fodder for a tabloid headline: Is someone trying to kill the editors of women's magazines?
But one night he is outwitted and is killed by his intended victim.
Consequently the crimes are especially difficult to detect and deflect because the agile criminal is a quick and detailed study of the intended victim's needs.
Government interest in debarking rises from the belief that the surgical technique has been employed for criminal purposes to silence attack dogs so they will not bark and warn their intended victims.

Phrases with «intended victim»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z