Sentences with phrase «intense anxiety»

The first days in the wilderness were days of intense anxiety and crisis over survival.
One thing you have to keep in mind when it comes to pet care is some pets experience intense anxiety when a large number of spooky, dressed visitors.
Further investigation of the unexpected results — either through exploratory surgery or yet more tests — carries its own risks, not to mention triggering intense anxiety in the patient.
Many people race through life on high gear, with intense anxiety and adrenal fatigue.
All of them are at various times sources of great joy and satisfaction, as well as intense anxiety and disappointment.
Panic and intense anxiety don't have a great effect on decision - making, a recent academic study by American psychologists found.
The Great Escape, however, contains traces of both humor and a potentially intense anxiety, felt about and within the figure.
But by definition, revisiting the experience can be frightening, and people often become locked in the grip of intense anxiety.
While it's normal for teens to worry sometimes, some teens experience intense anxiety.
i had no idea why i was feeling intense anxiety for approx. 10 seconds at the beginning of every breastfeeding session.
Some kids get excited about seeing their friends and advancing to a new grade, but many other kids in Michigan experience intense anxiety about entering a new environment.
Well, when we're looking at separation anxiety, we're looking at intense anxiety that a child experiences when they are separated - or the threat of separation from - their primary caregiver, typically from their mother.
Along with the joys that accompany the transition to this major event in a woman's life, motherhood may also be a stressful experience that generates intense anxiety and pervasive feelings of incompetence and loneliness.
PHOBIAS Phobias are irrational fears that lead people to altogether avoid specific things or situations that trigger intense anxiety.
Senior author Professor Geoffrey Tofler, Preventive Cardiology, University of Sydney said «Potential preventive approaches may be stress reduction training to reduce the frequency and intensity of episodes of anger, or avoiding activities that usually prompt such intense reactions, for instance, avoiding an angry confrontation or activity that provokes intense anxiety.
You shouldn't have to spend the rest of your life worrying or feeling intense anxiety when help is readily available by us at Leyden.
Some are even prone to battling intense anxiety or fainting when faced with getting blood drawn.
Do you sometimes experience sudden intense anxiety and fear that reach a peak within...
Finally, anxiety disorders may be demonstrated as intense anxiety upon separation from family, friends, or a familiar environment; as excessive shrinking from contact with strangers; or as unfocused, excessive worry and fear.
Here, a chemical called CCK - 4 is injected and induces a panic attack, leading to feelings of intense anxiety, fear, sweating, nausea, and other symptoms.
It is important to remember that many of these techniques are meant to be used for prevention and may not necessarily stop a panic attack or intense anxiety in its» tracks.
The words blurred on the page, and I felt intense anxiety at the thought of being laughed at.
Kristen revealed in a recent issue of Elle UK that she's coped with intense anxiety and panic attacks, and she even said the constant need for control made her sick.
Astrid clearly had a fear of rejection, which was now showing up as intense anxiety and neediness.
Warm and responsive relationships on the other hand, can buffer an infant or toddler from experiencing intense anxiety.
In an age of intense anxiety and rapid change, it counters the yearning to locate our security in anything less than the holy God of history.
Part of our job as new dads is to serve as our mate's punching bag as she deals with hormones, guilt, intense anxiety, etc..
There may be enormous financial pressure and intense anxiety and anger resulting from the loss.
What can I do about her intense anxiety that I will never form a solid attachment to her?»
If you do get pregnant again, you may feel intense anxiety and a conviction that you will miscarry again.
«Any of these factors or even hormone changes can lead to intense anxiety and / or postpartum depression,» Hershenson told Romper.
Lab mice whose brains were injected with cells from schizophrenia patients became afraid of strangers, slept fitfully, felt intense anxiety, struggled to remember new things, and showed other signs of the mental disorder, scientists reported on Thursday.
People with O blood type may be more likely to have depression and intense anxiety; children may be at a greater risk of attention - deficit disorder.
Consider the intense anxiety that afflicts hiring committees, whose members know that every tiny decision may come under the hostile microscope of an «equity officer» or some other licensed busybody.
A sudden, discrete period of intense anxiety, mounting physiological arousal, fear, stomach problems and discomfort that is associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms.
As with any type of anxiety attack, the emotional and physiological symptoms can include fear, nervousness, a racing heart, sweating, dry throat and mouth, and even muscle twitches and dysmorphia — but intense anxiety is the most common symptom.
Any one of these things can be attributing to the fatigue we're feeling, the cluster headaches we're receiving or the intense anxiety attacks that we're experiencing.
It didn't take long for her body to start showing signs of rebellion — poor digestion, intense anxiety and constant cravings.
Women who experience them have intense anxiety or fear, which may be accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath and an intense feeling of helplessness.
«When we found that out, it all made so much sense that she would be experiencing this intense anxiety in the confinement of the shelter based on what she'd been through.
Poet Robert Frost would later describe the intense anxiety of this ritual, being certain that each day his father would not return from the swim.
However, we need to recognize that getting past the intense anxiety that intrudes so powerfully and rudely into the collective unconscious at this unique time in human history requires courageous personal work, as well as support from informed, at least somewhat enlightened leaders.
Although driving seemed to spark most of my intense anxiety and vivid thoughts, I had others as well.
Promoting Emotional Intelligence You will receive support in leading your family in dealing with intense anxiety, fear or anger constructively.
At the time, we called this «Shell Shock,» and over the years the hallmark symptoms of PTSD, such as flashbacks, intense anxiety, intrusive thoughts,...
Walking into a relatively mature group, albeit small with only 5 members, it produced for her intense anxiety and a retreat into her inner world.
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