Sentences with phrase «intense bout»

"Intense bout" refers to a short period of time where something vigorous, competitive, or intense happens. Full definition
Power is achieved in the shortest and most intense bouts of exercise.
They are readily used for both short - term, intense bouts of exercise and long - duration activities like running and even your daily work activities.
After intense bouts of training / exercise As a meal replacement For helping to gain lean muscle mass when part of a balanced diet and exercise routine
Heart palpitations are normal and natural to feel during intense bouts of emotion.
Pretty much like clockwork, I will feel intense bouts of anger or anxiety and spend much of the day getting myself back into balance.
«Short bouts of exercise broken up with recovery periods is a manageable way of beginning an exercise training program and can be built on to longer or more intense bouts
Take - away message: eat as much protein as your body needs for repair and recovery, eat a little more if you want to put on muscle, and then take in the rest of your calories from healthy fats and vegetables, with limited fruits and carbohydrates for fueling intense bouts of physical activity.
Night sweats are classified as severe hot flashes that occur during sleep accompanied by intense bouts of sweating.
That being said, there are also some truly funny moments, like a shot of the Hodgson family running from their haunted house after a particularly intense bout of psychokinetic activity that riffs on smartasses» favorite retort, «Why don't they just move?»
In addition, an all - new suite of customizable multiplayer modes let you and your friends get into the Octagon and face off in fast, fun, intense bouts where a highlight - reel knockout is always one strike away and victory can happen in the blink of an eye.
We've been tinkering with a Nintendo SNES Classic Mini here at T3 Towers for over a month now and, after multiple intense bouts of Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting, countless laps on Super Mario Kart, and many hours sunk into single - player epics like Super Metroid and Secret of Mana, we definitely feel that we have a feel for the new, micro system.
Just days ago, NASA's Aqua satellite returned this image of the North China Plain during its recent chockingly intense bout of air pollution, which reduced on the ground visibility to a mere 200 meters, underscoring China's significant contributions to global carbon emissions.
With a great deal of cross-map traversal and point - to - point assault punctuated with intense bouts of more intimate attack and defence, a single round of most modes will melt and shift its focus so many times as to cram in far more than its timescale has any right to.
There were no complications aside from some intense bouts with allergic reactions that I've never seen the likes of before!
While persons with bipolar disorder experience the same mood for weeks, those with BPD cope with intense bouts of anger, depression and anxiety that are short in duration.
This molecule is stored in skeletal muscle and later released to fuel short and intense bouts of physical activity.
You can burn tons of stubborn fat by using short, intense bouts of exercise, for example 10 - 15 minutes of 30 - second sprinting with 30 seconds of rest in between.
When uric acid crystals settle into the joint, they trigger swelling and an intense bout of pain.
The most common reason for knee pain is overuse — intense bouts of strenuous exercise with poor form or too heavy loads can lead to an over-exertion of the knee joint or there may be a reduced amount of the fluid which lubricates the joint.
Thus, people with high lifestyle stress will release more cortisol during an intense bout of exercise as compared with someone who has a lower stress level.
Adding fast, intense bouts of energy like High - Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) style workouts maximize overall fat loss.
Foam rolling as a recovery tool after an intense bout of physical activity.
On the other hand, many athletes deal with postexercise appetite suppression after long or intense bouts of physical activity.
Like crash diets or cramming for a test, intense bouts of self - reinvention rarely lead to lasting, sustained changes.
We can say that it will also increase clearing of cellular waste products, which may result in quicker recovery after an intense bout of high intensity exercise.
After an intense bout of exercise, athletes need about 0.5 grams / kilogram of whey and about 1 gram / kilogram of carbohydrate.
Recovery Complex: Mix of amino acids (Leucine, Glutamine) which are known to minimize the breakdown of muscles after an intense bout of training or general exercise.
The Advanced Recovery Formula (ARF) is the perfect source to refuel the body after an intense bout of exercise.
While electrolytes lost through sweat can typically be replaced through dietary sources, during long or intense bouts of exercise, it's a good idea to supplement losses with electrolyte - rich drinks to ensure you recover effectively.
The Plant Based Recovery Formula is the perfect source to refuel the body after an intense bout of exercise.
Meaning short - intense bouts of speed, strength, and power improves our ability to go far.
With short - intense bouts of activity improving vo2max, anaerobic threshold and other endurance biomarkers to the same degree.
As a result, a Taurus may at times give way to intense bouts of jealousy.
Part of Christine's trouble — her intense bouts of depression — seem to come from the feeling that she has somehow failed to navigate womanhood correctly.
Before founding the hedge fund Caxton Associates, he was a Harvard PhD candidate who dropped out after what he describes as an intense bout with writer's block.
These authors will battle against each other in a brief but intense bout of writing competition for the Grand Prize of $ 5000, worldwide press coverage, and the chance to be published.
Due to their small size, min pins can make good apartment dwellers; however, some may be prone to intense bouts of barking.
But if you have no inclination to wear your dog out with intense bouts of daily romps in the woods, a lower energy dog would be best.
Although the underlying disease process in cats is not identical to that in humans, both human and feline asthma patients suffer from sudden, intense bouts of coughing, wheezing and respiratory distress.
Bask in our refreshing outdoor swimming pool or relax in the cool flowing waters of the Mann River, after an intense bout of tennis.
The captains will then alternate in choosing players for their respective teams until all players have been chosen, after which the team face - off in another intense bout of competitive BlazBlue action!
These intense bouts of rain can wreak havoc on communities.
And while this is an important activity, I've realized that using these tools to check in on the world outside should be scheduled around my intense bouts of focus, and not every hour of every day.
The result is an intense bout of screaming, kicking, hitting or even biting.

Phrases with «intense bout»

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