Sentences with phrase «intense burning»

The phrase "intense burning" means a very strong and severe sensation of heat or pain. Full definition
Soon I was seeing your head between the contractions, and then I felt the most intense burning sensation and you were in a full crown!
But then the pain started, intense burning pain on one side that began during nursing and would last for several hours following each session.
Autumn is in full flow and brings with the most beautiful of colours with intense burnt oranges, light and airy yellows and some low - key reds and browns.
Less specific is the cure to hasten childbirth from the Andokes for the northwest Amazon, which calls for crushed chile pods mixed with the flowers of a species of the genus Urtica; apparently, the medicine is applied directly to the vagina, which would cause intense burning.
It's the day of the 1976 German Grand Prix, in which Lauda received intense burns from a crash precipitated by bad track conditions, and in voiceover, he self - effacingly describes the nature of his obsession.
Second - Degree: A more intense burn to both the first and second layers of skin, involving reddening, blistering and severe pain.
Besides, Google's offering a two - year warranty worldwide now, which does something to assuage fears about potentially intense burn - in degradation.
Immune Response in the Skin and Hair Follicles Another common place for the immune response to attack is the skin, with a characteristic skin lesion called Dermatiformis Herpetiformis (it resembles Herpes) with intense burning, itching and blistering skin rash which is usually symmetrically distributed on the elbows, knees and the buttocks.
I just checked with my (horticulturist) mom and she said it can cause intense burning and irritation of the mouth, but that it's not fatal unless they eats lots of it.
With the heat level of a habanero, it has a more fruity, citrus flavor, and packs an instant, intense burn, unlike the habanero, whose heat «sneaks up on you.»
NAVS reports that either version of the test can cause «intense burning, itching and pain» and can leave subjects «ulcerated and bleeding.»
If the worm is handled the bristles can easily penetrate the skin and break off, producing an intense burning sensation.
Intense burns can leave soil barren and inhibit the regrowth of forest.
That intense burning sensation after a hard set — that's lactic acid building up in your muscles when your body enters into oxygen debt during intense exercise.
Because, lordy, these feelings sure can feel like a painful and intense burning!
He used it as a finisher to his regular set of lateral raises by picking up a heavier set of dumbbells and holding them out to his sides for as long as he could, focusing on the intense burn in his shoulders.
Alternate between sets of sledgehammers and ropes for an intense burn that will have you tapping out.
For all of his professional triumphs, one failure nearly costs him his life, and Scorsese attains a frightening visceral immediacy in an extended sequence showing a failed test flight of one of Hughes» spy planes, which leaves him permanently scarred from intense burns.
Schefflera and Brassaia actinophylla contain calcium oxalate crystals that can cause oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips and tongue in pets who ingest.
Spathiphyllum contains calcium oxalate crystals that can cause oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips and tongue in pets who ingest.
The resulting sense of wonder was only eclipsed by the intense burning of my muscles from this workout like no other.
The Mumbai Wall Project began with a blank white compound wall, with an intense burning of «something has to be done to it» It starting with a few enthusiastic people, it has grown to be a bigger and bigger project seemingly taking a life of its own.
For example, the intense burning in the heart of South America from August - October is a result of human - triggered fires, both intentional and accidental....
The pattern of the fabric corona inspires the intense burnt red of the side table.
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