Sentences with phrase «intense bursts»

The phrase "intense bursts" refers to moments or actions that are extremely powerful, energetic, or forceful, but occur for a short period of time. Full definition
For puppies, several short intense bursts of exercise are better than one long walk.
It mimics real life situations where you actually perform short intense bursts of activity.
We are told that trainees need to be able to work in intense bursts when required, with hours that are sometimes «brutal», especially in the transactional departments.
They are believed to have formed around 12 billion years ago, during intense bursts of star formation as the galaxies around them were assembled.
«All we know is that the elliptical galaxies formed most of their stars in more intense bursts of star formation,» he says.
To read the data, the device subjects the cylinder to a less intense burst of radio waves at the same frequency.
Such chain reactions generate intense bursts of deadly radiation, and over the last half - century have claimed nearly two dozen lives.
This is a great month to show a little bit of restraint in your eating choices, focusing on quality over quantity or one really intense burst of flavor.
Simple, strategic combat and an assortment of unique bosses make for intense bursts of gameplay that will keep you coming back for «just one more go».
Cats are born hunters, which means that they are programmed for exploration and short intense bursts of energy.
In addition, the high - intensity interval training involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between.
In other words, it's a game where you spend a lot of your time creeping around with very little actually happening, interspersed with intense bursts of excitement.
A lot of curries are tomato - based and while I don't use tomato, sun - dried tomatoes deliver intense bursts of tomato flavour without sauciness.
When the extraordinary magnetic field begins to slow the star's spinning, it releases intense bursts of energy in X-ray wavelengths, visible to NASA's X-ray observatories.
The most intense bursts of starbirth are thought to have taken place in the early Universe in massive, bright galaxies containing lots of cosmic dust.
But we assure you that this technique, which alternates intense bursts of exercise with short, sometimes active, recovery periods, isn't going anywhere.
Unlike batteries, ultracapacitors don't rely on chemical reactions to store energy, and they don't degrade significantly over the life of a car, even when they are charged and discharged in very intense bursts that can damage batteries.
«Breathing Room III» encourages the viewer to enter into and interact with a defined sculptural space, where intense bursts of light interrupt complete darkness, unexpectedly jolting the experience from one of quiet meditation to acute interrogation.
If, however, ultracapacitors were paired with batteries, they could protect batteries from intense bursts of power, Bohn says, such as those needed for acceleration, thereby extending the life of the batteries.
Sprinters, however, derive their power from fast - twitch fibers that produce intense bursts of energy.
A fine - grain salt will incorporate into the butter better, but a flaky sea salt will impart intense bursts of salinity.
I've had an amazing week so far and it's really got me thinking as to how I can bring intense bursts of daily LPs into my life more (if not all the time!).
These winds collide with the surrounding material, causing shock waves that heat the gas to millions of degrees and trigger intense bursts of X-rays.
«Normally, judo is thought to be highly lactic» because it requires intense bursts of energy, Franchini says.
FORTE data confirmed that TIPPS are generated by extremely intense bursts of lightning between clouds — the second pulse is produced by a reflection of the first pulse off Earth's surface.
The gravity waves signature was detected by a network of Earth - based detectors called LIGO and Virgo, and the first intense burst of light was observed by the Fermi Gamma - ray Space Telescope.
Gradually building up from slower aerobic activities to brief intense bursts, etc..
HIIT is basically intense bursts of exercise followed by a rest period.
Simply put, high intensity interval training (HIIT) involves intense bursts of exercise followed by less intense «recovery» periods of exercise that are continually repeated in the same training session.
These types of workouts mix intense bursts of cardio with a less intense exercise (rest time), and because you can tailor the workout to your ability, it can be perfect for beginners.
Classroom time will be concentrated in short, intense bursts devoted to skills training rather than lectures.
Trainees need to be able to work in intense bursts when required, but aren't expected to put in face time when it's quiet.
Vanderkam cites one study of young professors that showed writing a little bit every day rather than in intense bursts made them more likely to get tenure.
Smaller than their peers, they punctuate the space with intense bursts of saturated color and off - hand remarks.
Narayan says the way to tell the difference between the two would be to watch what happens not during intense bursts but during the quieter phases when the superhot star matter drizzles onto their surfaces.
Interestingly, they found that when these men ran for 90 minutes or longer, their appetites were actually less voracious than the appetites of those who engaged in shorter, more intense bursts of exercise.
The most intense bursts of star birth are thought to have occurred in the early Universe, in massive, bright galaxies.
It's a training technique in which you alternate intense bursts of anaerobic exercise such as sprinting with short recovery periods.
The overall energy density of this formulation may be a bit lower due to the lower fat content, but these dogs work in short, very intense bursts, and consequently do not need consistently high calorie intake.
BREATHING ROOM III encouraged the viewer to enter into and interact with a defined sculptural space, where intense bursts of light interrupt complete darkness, unexpectedly jolting the experience from one of quiet meditation to acute interrogation.
-LSB-...] If ultracapacitors were paired with batteries, they could protect batteries from intense bursts of power, Bohn says, such as those needed for acceleration, thereby extending the life of the batteries.
At various moments throughout Ernst's career, from his Cologne Dada period in the 1920s onwards, the artist turned to three - dimensional materials and sculpture in intense bursts of activity.
Large periods of hi tension waiting peppered with short intense bursts of fighting, and that is its real strength.
The image shows how there was an intense burst of activity among the respective clusters as people spread news of the shooting within their «social graph,» a term that describes the chain of relationships in any social media system.
It's so fragrant, with intense bursts of floral and herbaceous notes.
Radio telescopes have picked up intense bursts of low - frequency static from a mysterious source that may lie hidden near the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
An intense burst of light from an otherwise nondescript star has lit up a cocoon of dust in a rare «light echo,» shown in these Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images.
Round four: it arrives at the drop of a hat, followed by an intense burst of activity in response to the referees» comments.
Every few decades this matter comes crashing down on the companion, releasing an intense burst of X-rays.

Phrases with «intense bursts»

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