Sentences with phrase «intense bursts of activity»

At various moments throughout Ernst's career, from his Cologne Dada period in the 1920s onwards, the artist turned to three - dimensional materials and sculpture in intense bursts of activity.
It mimics real life situations where you actually perform short intense bursts of activity.
What if your goal is to develop anaerobic capacity, the ability to do short, intense bursts of activity?
Pasternak is a believer in circuit training — short, intense bursts of activity that builds muscle and help to tone bodies — combined with simply being more active throughout the day.
Just understand the order in which energy substrates are used by the body: ATP and creatine phosphate during short, intense bursts of activity (5 - 15 seconds of actual activity), glucose for medium duration activity (20 seconds to a minute or two), and fat stores once effort is extended out beyond that.
Hey Anthony, HIIT is great for conditioning, and will help you build stamina and help you with short intense bursts of activity.
Round four: it arrives at the drop of a hat, followed by an intense burst of activity in response to the referees» comments.

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Given the strange restrictions under which their makers must work, the constructions already produced are marvels of ingenuity, although a creature so constituted is probably more plausible as a sensitive observer of sunsets than as the creative agent who, in a surprisingly short burst of intense activity, produced Process and Reality.
The solar storms alone could zap the planet with radiation bursts thousands of times more intense than the normal activity from our Sun.
Within the next few years solar activity will peak and subject the craft to intense bursts of high - energy charged particles.
By giving your body less time to recover between bursts of intense physical activity, you're able to burn a lot more calories.
On the other hand, interval training, alternating short bursts of intense activity with active rest, helps your body burn through calories without raising cortisol levels.
Here, you do a 60 - second burst of intense activity, like rapidly pounding the treadmill or furiously lifting weights, then take a 10 to 30 - second break.
You want to focus on complex carbs before your workout as this gives you the quality, quickly accessible energy you need for bursts of intense activity.
Others are more inclined to activities that require speed and intense bursts of power, traits which are equated with more fast - twitch fibers.
«Interval training» means simply alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity.
With quick bursts and fixed periods of less intense activity, it has great effects.
High - intensity interval training requires interspersing bursts of intense activity into your regular fitness program.
Intervals are short bursts of intense activity that push you to your limit followed by very brief rest periods, then repeated.
In a recent study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, Weiss and his colleagues found that after four days on a keto diet, participants performed worse on anaerobic exercise tasks — which involve short bursts of intense activity — than those who'd recently gone on a high - carb diet.
In Eat Bacon, Don't Jog, Grant Petersen encourages readers to trade long jogs for short bursts of intense activity and ditch that low - fat diet for a low - carb, high - fat eating plan.
To reduce the workload on the heart and avoid symptoms, these dogs should also be prevented from engaging in sudden bursts of activity or intense physical exertion.
Because cats are geared toward short bursts of intense activity, get out the laser pointer, feathered toy, or string and play for five or 10 minutes several times a day (less at first if your feline friend is unfit).
On creating and studio life I tend to work in short bursts of intense activity.
Schödl graduated from the Academy of Arts in Vienna, Austria, in 1953 and had an immediate burst of intense artistic activity until her pregnancy (and subsequent children) interrupted her work.
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