Sentences with phrase «intense concern»

In 37 of 40 nations surveyed, willingness to curb emissions that may contribute to warming the planet exceeds intense concern about climate change.
Religious liberty has very quickly become of intense concern for religious groups across the country, especially for those that will be directly affected by the HHS mandate.
The development of creedal passion, making the achievement of the American creed's values a matter of intense concern, and leading to the refusal to acknowledge any limits on such efforts, set the scene for the assertion of unrealizable political hopes.
Such intense concern and unstinting commitment of resources should have brought about improvement.
The most telling example may be in New York, where the simultaneous effort to change testing and accountability fueled intense concerns about how the tests would affect teacher job security, engendering fierce backlash and strong teachers union support for the «opt - out» movement.
About seven - in - ten Chinese (71 %) support an international treaty to curtail emissions, yet just 18 % of the public expresses intense concern about climate conditions — a 53 percentage point differential.
Because of my unquenchable optimism, though I have gone down many dead ends, I continue to seek the love of my life, someone with who I can share abundant tender affection and intense concern for each other's...
Without exception, funding to Link - Up programs was an area of intense concern.
Gifted children can intellectually understand abstract concepts but may be unable to deal with those concepts emotionally, leading to intense concerns about death, the future, sex, and other advanced issues.
But it was really his intense concern for the salvation of God's little ones which could on occasions sharpen his pen and barb his wit.
He is marked by an intense concern for the truth as something to live and fight for and by the unusual suffering which arises out of his identification with the sufferings of the exiled Shekinah.
But the radicality with which the criticism of Scripture has been carried out in terms of modern historiographical methods, the intense concern to find within the Scripture that meaning and message which is of vital relevance in our situation, should warn us that the distinction of conservative and liberal is not relevant to the distinction between this approach to theology and others.
The U.S. Naval Institute reported that the accident was the deadliest Marine plane crash since 2005, and it comes at a time when there is intense concern about the readiness and condition of the Corp's aviation fleet.
You might expect the man in charge of United States energy security to be glum about the future, but despite his intense concerns regarding carbon emissions, Steven Chu is optimistic that science may yet bail us out.
No one really knows what causes the intense concern with the self that narcissists display.
And last but certainly not least, the late Richard Farnsworth's Sherriff «Buster» is full of warmth, wisecracks, and intense concern for the whereabouts of Mr. Sheldon that is quiet loveable, even throughout the twisted events.
We must be careful not to allow an intense concern with testing or any single educational objective, well - intentioned as it may be, to crowd out the activities that may best kindle the flames of learning and purpose in our students.
Gifted children can intellectually understand abstract concepts but may be unable to deal with those concepts emotionally, leading to intense concerns about death, the future, sex, and other advanced issues.
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