Sentences with phrase «intense eye contact»

Intense eye contact from someone at a singles mixer likely means something different than intense eye contact from a security guard at the airport.
Through the decades, Chicago's cats became muses and ciphers for the mystery of identity — roles commemorated in Kitty City, a series of drawings of cats eating, sleeping and making intense eye contact.
He is short and balding and wears a suit; she has a heart - shaped face, makes intense eye contact, and seems kind, yet tough - minded.
Often women don't even realize they're doing it but intense eye contact followed by looking away indicates your interest.
He seems like the kind of guy who always happens to be on the other side of a door when you open it, startling you, as he faintly smiles and makes uncomfortably intense eye contact before passing.
IDENTIFIED BY: The dented clubs, intense eye contact and vice-like handshake.

Not exact matches

Finally, the classic pose of the phone cradled between the palms of two hands is very similar to the «encompassing palm contact on the trunk» along with «intense eye - to - eye contact» observed by researchers Klaus and Kennell when studying mothers» first contact with their babies.
In addition to the opportunity to gain extra skills, doing a PhD in a commercial environment also implies an intense, daily contact with people from the industry, which is to my eyes one of the greatest advantages of my PhD.
What's more, adolescents and adults with autism often say eye contact is intense or unpleasant for them, so gaze aversion may develop later in life.
To stay connected with your partner during this kind of rough play, try to sync your breathing and maintain eye contact while you run your sharp fingernails up and down their body starting with a light touch and slowly adjusting to create a more intense sensation.
If the dog makes intense and direct eye contact with you, this is a clear sign that you should back off immediately.
We didn't speak, I didn't make eye contact, I just made a beeline for the CEO hosting the function and engaged him in intense, energetic conversation.
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