Sentences with phrase «intense feelings of»

Yes, being a Realtor can be a tough road; it comes with anxiety about being completely responsible for your own success; it's often utterly lonely and can come with intense feelings of stress.
Going through a divorce brings up intense emotions in families, but going through a divorce during the holidays brings up even more intense feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, and anger.
Looking at the dimensions of the AFS, they share a high similar level of familism account for intense feelings of interconnectedness, that is parents underscored that family members must keep in close emotional relationship and physical contact with other family members.
Infidelity causes intense feelings of anger, betrayal, disbelief, guilt, and shame.
When we are in a position of vulnerability and our partner is not emotionally there to meet our needs for care and comfort, we may experience intense feelings of abandonment and rejection.
As described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM - IV - TR, 2000), Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)(309.21) refers to pervasive and intense feelings of anxiety experienced as the result of being away from a familiar and primary caregiver especially after the third birthday.
Le and Agnew (2003) argued that commitment, (which generally maintains the relationship over time), and intimacy evolve more slowly but become more significant at the later stages, providing a long - term romantic relationship with an entirely different character from the unstable and intense feelings of its beginning suggesting it is Mania not Eros that fades over time.
Most go on thinking about their child for the rest of their lives, while many continue to have intense feelings of loss, pain and mourning, intensified by not knowing what has happened to their child.
For instance, when a woman is nursing and holding her child, levels of the hormone oxytocin surge, leading to intense feelings of attachment.
High expectations for children are usually a good thing; however, as Madeline Levine writes in her book The Price of Privilege, «It is when a parent's love is experienced as conditional on achievement that children are at risk for serious emotional problems [because] this activates intense feelings of shame and hopelessness.»
They don't know how to be enough for the pursuing partner, so they just withdraw to protect themselves from the intense feelings of inadequacy they're faced with every time they can't give their «pursuing» partner what they need.
It may stir doubts about the relationship, whether the functioning partner can «take it,» and intense feelings of resentment and isolation.
In this much - needed book, two renowned borderline personality disorder (BPD) experts offer simple, easy - to - use skills drawn from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) to help you address the most common issues of BPD, such as intense feelings of anger, depression, and anxiety.
Leading to intense feelings of hopelessness and frustration.
Bulimics feel out of control, realize that their eating patterns are abnormal, and experience intense feelings of guilt and shame over their binging.
If you or anyone you know is considering suicide or experiencing intense feelings of anxiety or depression, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
If you or your child has been bitten by a dog, you know how frightening and dangerous that experience can be and it can, especially for very young children, leave intense feelings of trauma that last for years.
If not handled with care, the effects can be devastating; relationships can be damaged, sometimes irreversibly, by the intense feelings of confusion, anger, loss, and conflict.
Coupled with how the game favors sheer luck over determination and skill to win, playing Miitomo Drop more often than not leads to intense feelings of defeat and frustration, the opposite emotions desired for fostering committed and engaged users.
* Please note that playing games from the SEGA Forever collection does not technically count as «time travel,» although intense feelings of nostalgia have been linked to exposure and extended play.
If your puppy seems to experience intense feelings of stress and loneliness while no one is home, he probably has a classic case of separation anxiety.
Bringing a puppy, adolescent, or adult dog into the veterinary clinic for wellness exams shouldn't cause intense feelings of stress for the animal or the caregivers.
Helping you cope with and work through the difficult and, at times, intense feelings of shock, anger, guilt, sadness, and depression that often come when beloved pets become ill and / or die.
Carver explains that he can't even escape his intense feelings of guilt in his dreams:
A mood piece first and foremost, Abbasi takes the intense feelings of early adolescence, and watches how tragedy transforms them.
Physical pain and intense feelings of social rejection hurt in the same way.
It refers to high - achievers who experience an unrelenting fear of being exposed as «frauds» to their peers and struggle with intense feelings of inadequacy and self - doubt.
Women with postpartum depression have intense feelings of sadness, anxiety, or despair that prevent them from being able to do their daily tasks.
Intense pleasure, and intense feelings of any kind, cloud our ability to think clearly — or think at all!
Symptoms often include intense feelings of sadness or anxiety, crying for no reason, or questioning whether they can handle parenthood.
The bingeing normally involves eating excessive amounts of food, often when not hungry, followed by intense feelings of guilt, depression and shame.
We all get anxious from time to time, but for those with BPD, anxiety is all consuming, characterized by intense feelings of nervousness, tenseness, or panic.
The women who had sleeve surgery or RYGB also reported more intense feelings of drunkenness.
These powerful drugs — including heroin, morphine and fentanyl — can relieve pain and evoke intense feelings of pleasure.
Women with postpartum depression have intense feelings of sadness, anxiety, or despair that prevent them from being able to do their daily tasks.
These types of physical activities can play a significant role in helping your child process and eventually release intense feelings of anger.
It can calm stress, help with low confidence and intense feelings of anger.
It was now the next Friday morning and I remember having these intense feelings of needing to push.
This can cause intense feelings of resentment and anxiety.
But this very isolation produces intense feelings of alienation and even greater fear of «what others will think.»
All of his young Negro subjects expressed intense feelings of loneliness and vulnerability.
Evangelical fitness maven Stormie Omartian led the way (even while plugging her own diet and exercise plan) by addressing, in 1984 and again in 1993, the tyranny of contemporary body standards and noting that most dieters carry on a self - defeating battle with food and exercise that is «a prelude to the most intense feelings of failure.»
Yet increase in passive conformal power together with increase in active appetitive power is the mark of greater value of an organism and more intense feelings of subjectivity.
I still need to be encouraged, though, from time to time because sometimes intense feelings of guilt assault my mind and heart and I begin to feel unforgiven, which, in turn, reignites the cycle of bad thoughts that build in my mind.
By her own admission, she had uncontrollable fits of rage, which she often took out on her husband and children, followed by intense feelings of guilt and thoughts of suicide.
If the pastor has a keen awareness of what we have come to regard as the interpersonal hurt of his patient; knows the desperate and yet fatal need of the patient to evade further pain, no matter by what means, and often by striking out and hurting loved ones; feels something of the almost overwhelming and intolerable anxiety the patient experiences; is not too shaken by the terror evoked through what Kierkegaard expressed as «shut - up - ness unfreely revealed»; and can accept the consequent intense feelings of guilt and shame which isolate the patient from himself, from others and from God, then his ministry has within it the necessary element for a supportive and creative experience for the patient.
You do not need a god to understand love... just look in a young child's eyes when listen to their mother or father.or consider the intense feelings of closeness and harmony between two people in love... young or old.
Addictions among clergy often remain unresolved due to intense feelings of disgrace.
It involves intense feelings of inadequacy and fears of being exposed as a fraud in spite of plenty of evidence of success.
«Leadership gives you the resources and authority to work autonomously (and / or within a small group) to accomplish the company's goals, which frequently means that even junior engineers are given opportunities to contribute meaningfully to the company right out of the gate, which gives you an intense feeling of ownership and responsibility.»
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