Sentences with phrase «intense instruction»

Teachers also have to understand what makes better readers, and learn, likely through professional development, how to provide more intense instruction.
In order to optimize lessons, short intense instruction is required, followed by a quick break.
It also features intense instruction in the core subject areas; nearly four hours each day are devoted to math / science and language arts / history.
The challenge becomes what multiple measures you will use to decide what skills need more intense instruction or intervention.
Children with such difficulties are given increasingly intense instruction geared to bolstering the areas where they need help.
Teachers and schools may mistakenly conclude that intense instruction on the skill measured by the screening tool (e.g., ORF) will result in improved overall reading ability.
By day five of intense instruction, detailed analysis and gentle (OK pretty forceful) encouragement, every member of our trio could glide upon the Moroccan waves and more or less stay standing for at least a few seconds.
Class size is limited to 4 dogs and handlers to ensure safety and intense instruction.
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