Sentences with phrase «intense practice»

So for the long and intense practice sessions, these supplements can support your body the right way.
I do, however, limit myself because of weight, and find that others assume I'm weak (which I'm not) or lazy or adverse to a more intense practice.
• Generally speaking, it is not a paper - intense practice so you won't spend hours and hours going through / organizing documents.
Brave Buddies is based on evidence that behavioral therapy for children with selective mutism works best when kids get intense practice at brave talking, and practice their skills across as many different settings and activities as possible.
Seidl maintains dual and equally intense practices in painting and photography, essentially exploring the same formal concerns, creating work in both mediums that draws us into her world, encouraging contemplation and challenging our perception of the often thin line between reality and abstracted memory.
According to psychological research, what's the essential counterpoint to all that required intense practice?
After a particularly intense practice at my yoga studio, I spent the rest of my Saturday relaxing until it was time to make dinner.
It was very intense practicing under the watchful eye of Guruji [Jois].
Run Run Shaw is seen prepping acting juveniles for the silver screen, while an (English) interview with David Chiang unravels the beginnings and intense practices of the cult actor.
Risk factors include beginning the fall season in August, when athletes are not yet acclimated to intense practices in the hot and humid weather.
Approaching him with a commanding voice, I stated, «What's your name and why are you here... are you motivated for the intense practice to come?»
Potter's introduction to the intense practices, constant full - court pressure and attention to detail that permeate Gonsalves» program hasn't been too hard for her to adjust to because she's known some of the players for many years.
Immediately following a game or intense practice, kids need lots of fluids to replace what they've lost to perspiration.
Real play mastery takes real work: Even the most talented performers need a minimum of 10,000 hours of intense practice to attain elite status in their field, whether it's volleyball, violin or chess, according to Florida State University's K. Anders Ericsson.
Yes, Ashtanga yoga is an intense practice, and it tends to attract people who are somewhat... driven, to say the least.
The intense practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga helps create the inner environment that enables the mind to settle into a state of relaxed alertness.
Re-hydrating immediately after an intense practice is key to proper recovery.
The training is an extended and expanded version of beginner's level — deeper theory and intense practice.
Rest in a state of harmony during the intense practices of Yoga Nidra and various Meditation techniques.
August 4, 2016 — Montmorency tart cherry juice may be a promising new recovery aid for soccer players following a game or intense practice.
• It is an intense practice area, as matters often move at breakneck speed.
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