Sentences with phrase «intense public demand»

«In response to intense public demand to make a film or television series about the coup bid, our firm has taken the decision to make the film «Valley of the Wolves — Coup»,» the production company Pana Film said in a statement on its official Twitter account late Monday.

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Lawmakers will return to Washington today facing intense public pressure to break their decades - long gridlock on gun control, a demand fortified by a bipartisan group of governors calling for Congress to take action to protect against mass shootings.
Intense pulls from professional and personal demands, public and private, could push us to the brink.
«Many of the teachers — who worked at all grade levels in both public and charter schools, in urban and suburban settings — did their best to cobble together lessons on their own, while also managing the intense demands of the first years of teaching,» says Pforzheimer Professor Susan Moore Johnson, director of the Project on the Next Generation of Teachers.
Shouldn't you and your fellow environmental activists be demanding a courageous display of Presidential leadership on climate change issues — leadership displayed in the face of what could prove to be intense opposition from an aroused public, once a truly effective GHG reduction plan is established?
Growth in the motion picture and video industry is expected to stem from a number of sources, including strong public demand for more movies and TV shows, an increased demand from foreign audiences, and an increasing appetite for reality shows.Changing delivery methods via mobile devices and online viewing may lead to more opportunities in the future, but there will be intense competition for jobs in this field.
Adolescence is characterized by major biological, psychological and social challenges and opportunities, where interaction between the individual and environment is intense, and developmental pathways are set in motion or become established.2 — 4 Furthermore, adolescent psychopathology can have important consequences for education, relationships and socioeconomic achievement in later life.5 — 7 These characteristics of adolescence do not only set high demands for cohort studies aiming to capture the most salient aspects of developmental pathways, they also ensure a great gain in empirical knowledge and an invaluable source of information for public health policy from such studies.
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