Sentences with phrase «intense struggle»

It has taken me several years of intense struggle to finally admit that I have a real problem with sugar.
Allowing the creative side of the mind to simply flow with the avatar, can help a person solve intense struggles from new perspectives.
And it can be a seriously intense struggle to decide how to handle them.
During those early years of my career, I faced intense struggles being so young and not having a trusted female mentor from which I could obtain advice.
During periods of intense struggle, however, the division of labor breaks down.
In my heart I long for uprising and the final, decisive casting off of oppression after intense struggle — I'm a romantic.
Just as the most intense energy of the male and the most enduring persistence of the female principle form the unlimited power of nature, as love and life consist in separating and uniting, in restlessness and steadiness, in energy and being, so the creative and the receptive forces work to produce the perfect creation of genius: the more matter is formed by the creative force, the more intense the struggle, the greater the effect.
But after having uncovered Locke's intense struggle on this subject, one should realize that Fraser's interpretation is simplistic at best.
With the brand - new Survival Arena Mode which offers interactive defenses and novel weapons, players can expect an unforgettably intense struggle against the horde.
One of the founders of the family - owned and operated Missouri Star Quilt Company reflects on moments of intense struggle — and serious doubt.
: Audience Award was presented to Sleepwalk With Me, co-written and directed by Mike Birbiglia, about: Reluctant to confront his fears of love, honesty, and growing up, a budding standup comedian has both a hilarious and intense struggle with sleepwalking.
It is not surprising that the slums in our cities, where there is an intense struggle for basic necessities, have become scenes of violent conflict, M.N. Srinivas, the eminent sociologist, observes «The richest soil for communal frenzy to build on is poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and slum — like conditions — all of which are m plenty in urban India» (India Today, January 16 - 31, 1993).
However, Rouault's mature vision of Jesus evolved out of the intense struggle, indeed anguish, of his earlier work.
If Charles Darwin was correct, the evolutionary process was an intense struggle from which only the fittest survived.
Pope Francis sees that there is, unfolding in that place, an intense struggle between good and evil.
Worthy dreams are usually accomplished only after tribulations, and intense struggle.
Actually, I'm not sure the word «difficult» really does justice for the intense struggles that can happen with raising young children.
Every year, more and more doctoral scientists are seeking to acquire research grants; the intense struggle to win federal funding for research is so enormous that it must be termed a hyper - competition (see: «All About Today's Hyper - Competition for Research Grants!»).
Every year, more and more doctoral scientists compete to acquire research grants; the intense struggle to win federal support for research is so enormous that it must be termed a hyper - competition (see: «All About Today's Hyper - Competition for Research Grants!»).
This reminds me a bit of Fruitvale Station from Sundance 2013, and the intense struggle to prove someone's innocence in a deeply broken system.
During the intense struggle, Harry was saved by Hermione with a Confringo command, and the two apparated to the Forest of Dean, where Hermione had once been with her parents.
After an intense struggle and with a not so impressive number of cars in its range, Mitsubishi manages to achieve five million vehicle sales in...
With the advent of the two political parties, they became archrivals, even enemies, in the intense struggle for the presidency in 1800, perhaps the most vicious election in history.
Your reader wants an emotional experience from reading your book, and the tension that comes from an intense struggle of some kind provides the reason for that.
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