Sentences with phrase «intensely personal nature»

It is expected and understood by most people in the legal profession that because of the intensely personal nature of the issues that come up in family law, many if not most cases in Family Court will be driven by High Conflict Personalities (HCPs).
This relationship emphasises the intensely personal nature of the PC.
Here, it's set aside, with hasty and unconvincing moments of Caston and Claire flirting like teenagers or holding hands like schoolchildren at times when such behavior seems awkward, given the intensely personal nature of Caston's obsession.
The intensely personal nature of owners» relationships with their Aibos injects real passion into this controversy and points the way for things to come.

Not exact matches

Cobb recognizes that his account goes «a little beyond the confines of description of Whitehead's account in Process and Reality in the direction of systematization, «10 but he is prepared to defend his interpretation in detail.11 What is important for our purposes is the fact that the involvement of God's consequent nature in divine persuasion renders that activity intensely personal.
«Individuals define themselves in a significant way through their intimate sexual relationships with others,» and «much of the richness of a relationship will come from the freedom an individual has to choose the form and nature of these intensely personal bonds.»
Someone with deep curiosity around the intensely personal, primal nature of feeding our young that exists cross-culturally among mothers.
This exhibition features Charles Seliger's intensely detailed, small - scale organic abstractions, which continue a personal and obsessive vision of nature which began during the early 1940s.
His highly innovative and intensely personal photographic approach often incorporates high contrast, graininess, and tilted vantages to convey the fragmentary nature of modern realities.
The cultural freedom of the following decades has enabled these painters to portray allegories that are intensely personal in nature.
These paintings, intensely chromatic and tightly composed, are personal in nature; for example «Green Bathtub» shows Bischoff's wife with his young son Gregory in the bath, while «Cortez Square» and «Playground,» from 1953 and 1954 respectively, depict children at play.
His intensely dogmatic climate writing and rage for justice stems in part from his religious beliefs about nature, and his personal conviction that American «hyper - individualism» and consumerism corrupt both the environment and humanity, exemplified by fossil fuels, industrial civilization and free market capitalism.
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