Sentences with phrase «intensity between»

Because you are both facing forward, there is less intensity between you and your partner.
The intensity between couples is astounding (but it is now understandable and no longer unfathomable)!
«My view is that a Chinese target of a 40 percent reduction in carbon emissions intensity between 2005 and 2020 would be a continuation of historical trends,» said Jim Watson, from the Tyndall Centre for climate change research in Britain [and whose report on China's carbon scenarios we've discussed on this blog; see previous post «Tyndall Centre Climate Report: High Hopes for Low Carbon»].
If you want to pay $ 1,450 extra for the «Essentials» package, which includes high - quality leather upholstery and wood trim, and then another $ 250 for the «MINI Yours — British Oak Illuminated» option, you'll get additional translucent strips of accent lighting that change in colour and intensity between day and night.
Also, secrecy provides an intensity between you that is not actually about you but about the dating; the secrecy becomes the bond but can be misread by you both as being about you, when it is not.
All day I've been thinking about the intensity between us, the way she felt, and the way she made me feel.
This means make a very clear distinction in terms of heart rate and intensity between your slow, long runs, and your fast, short runs.
The workout was originally tested on speed skaters using stationary bikes as the cross training method to test this HIIT protocol using the tabata timer regime of 8 sets of 20 seconds of high intensity with the 10 second low intensity between each set.
To address our primary and secondary outcomes, paired t - tests were used to identify differences in energy expenditure and intensity between sexual activity and the 30 minute exercise session in both men and women.
Furthermore, unpaired t - tests were used to detect differences in age, body mass index, energy expenditure and intensity between men and women.
We combine cardio work with resistance training and slowly increase the intensity between circuits over a range of equipment.
As regard to cyclin Dl expression, the present result showed that it was mostly nuclear staining with variable range of stain intensity between different sections in the individual groups.
MHW intensity between 1982 — 1998 and 2000 — 2016 increased in over 65 % of the global ocean, most notably in all five western boundary current regions, where the mean warming has been considerably faster than the global average39, and most mid-latitude ocean basins (Fig. 1e).
«Problematic relationship: Small brain models distort contact intensity between neurons.»
Of particular interest is the ratio of intensity between the first and second peaks, which indicates how much ordinary matterthe stuff of humans, stars and galaxiesexists in the universe.
Separation anxiety is a normal stage of development and typically begins at about 8 mo, peaks in intensity between 10 and 18 mo, and generally resolves by 24 mo..
From the innocently mild to the screaming hot, the Scoville Heat Unit Scale breaks down the heat intensity between hot pepper varieties and extracts.
This result was agreed with several previous studies who stated that, Cyclin D1 showed nuclear and cytoplasmic staining and had an extensive range of intensities between different sections [22, 23].
Exercise intensities between 80 % and 90 % of VO2 max, cause elevated cortisol levels to be secreted (8).

Not exact matches

You choose between three intensities.
«So, the gap between their playoff intensity defensively and what they've been is so profound that they can overcome a lot of schematic issues because there's no film of them looking really locked in defensively.
Researchers posit that the reason for the perceived increased intensity is the contrast between the brown coffee and the white mug.
Many interacting factors influence whether and how wildfires will spread, including fire intensity, wind intensity, the quantity of firebrands that land on structures, the heat that impacts structures, how structures ignite, the distance between structures and vegetation, and the distance between structures.
The changing capital intensity of the economy explains some of the differences in labour productivity growth between business cycles.
This act is free in the sense that there is a certain incommensurability, hence absence of determination, between the act itself in its emotional intensity and the conceptual adjustment of possibilities which it includes.
Contrasts of concordant parity occur between two or more configurations whose primary foci have about the same size and intensity and whose function in the composition of the event is mutually supportive.
All this time, and not only is God still «responding to the facts of human life,» but doing so with unprecedented intensity and resolve in the person of him who cures disease and puts demons to flight and heals the breach between humanity and God: even «Jesus Christ, Son of God» (Mark 1:1)
Thunderbolts explode between different intensities, but they are preceded by an invisible, imperceptible dark precursor, which determines their path in advance but in reverse, as though intagliated...» (D&R 119)
The old dominance should be transformed into the firm foundations, upon which new feelings arise, drawing their intensities from delicacies of contrast between system and freshness» (PR 515).
They work to distort our view of the causes of these problems and they hope to obscure the direct relationship that exists between implementation of low - intensity - conflict strategy and widespread suffering in Nicaragua.
Attempts by the academic community to erase distinctions between levels of intensity, and the «ends» of which Aristotle spoke, leave little room for the civility that is one of our society's almost accidental inventions and one of its most cherished if precarious achievements.
The diversity of means employed by low - intensity - conflict strategists blurs classical distinctions between military and economic aid, humanitarian assistance, and military operations.
It is true, of course, that every experience is had in varying degrees of intensity or with a variety of consequences as between different occasions and persons.
Beauty, we might say, is a balance between harmony and intensity.
These in - between examples, however they maintain themselves, are precisely those in whom Nature has found a way to maintain this tricky balance — where as Whitehead mused, Nature seeks a balance between the value of survival and the value of interest, between creativity and intensity.
Circa late 1969, the Airplane seems to sense that the generalized radical community needs some encouragement, a pep rally of sorts to get them past all the spirit - draining confusions that had been piling up, and all the minor divisions radicals had made between one another in the course of late -»60s intensity, you know, naturalist communalists v. wired hipsters, pacifists v. biker gangs, Hare Krishnas v. Shamans, old - school SDS - ers v. the new Weathermen - types, angry feminists v. «Ramblin» Man» swingers, Black Panthers v. white hippies, Maoists v. anarchists, health - foodies v. druggies, etc., etc., and to focus instead on the big divide between all of them and the Establishment.
The old dominance should be transformed into the firm foundations, upon which new feelings arise, drawing their intensities from delicacies of contrast between system and freshness.
The highest complexity, however, is found in between, in the mid-range among various modes of simplification; and it is these complex modes which have special «value,» which can maintain «intensity,» which lead to organic life and all that it entails.
Things extend out from centers of identity and overlap and influence each other in various ways, depending on» (1) the intensity of each property a thing has, (2) the relevant distance between centers in a field, and (3) the resistance or conductivity of the field in question» (WPP 28).
By an actual entity with a strong intensity of conceptual feeling, the qualities common to many individual occasions in its immediate environment can be «fused into one dominating impression» which masks the differences between those occasions.
The quantitative aspect of intensity, whereby pattern is the primitive feature of existents, receives elaboration in regard to perception by Alexander and Bergson, in a manner that may certainly have influenced Whitehead, inspiring him at the same time to devise a revisionist scheme in which unnecessary distinctions between quantitative and qualitative patterns could be maintained by a firmer metaphysical grasp of the nature of intensity per se (particularly its ontological rescuability from infection by the notion of measurable extensive quanta).24
Things extend out from centers of identity, overlapping and influencing each other variably, depending on (1) the intensity of each property a thing has, (2) the relevant «distance» between centers in a field, (3) the resistance, or conductivity of the field in question.
Beauty is a balance between harmony and intensity; their opposites, disharmony and the trivialization of experience, are manifestations of evil.
I suggest that sexual intensity (such as that experienced between the lead characters of the «Fifty Shades» trilogy) is simply not the same as intimacy.
The balance Calvin strikes between passion and restraint often infuses his writing with a distinct quality of controlled intensity.
But Greenblatt sees Othello as the victim of another aspect of Western Civilization, the tension between «erotic intensity» and «Christian orthodoxy.»
Thus an enduring object gains the enhanced intensity of feeling arising from the contrast between inheritance and novel effect, and also gains the enhanced intensity arising from the combined inheritance of its stable rhythmic character throughout its life - history....
On the other hand, even in God there must be tensions between immediate and more remote realizations of intensity.
But the intensity of being does not necessarily lie equally between the two poles.
The relationship of direct proportionality between intensity and relevance is established by Whitehead in Process and Reality
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