Sentences with phrase «intention tremors»

"Intention tremors" refers to uncontrollable shaking or trembling of the body that occurs when trying to perform purposeful movements or tasks. It is a condition that causes a person's hands or other parts of the body to shake when they plan or intend to do something specific. Full definition
Without a normal cerebellum, the kitten is born with marked intention tremors: whenever he focuses on purposeful movement, he tremors so much that normal movement is impossible.
In contrast to pure cerebellar disease, a persistent fine tremor at rest is usually present as well as a marked intention tremor.
These kittens shake with «intention tremors» and often walk a bit «kitty - wampus», wobbling, or falling over.
These cats may also have head tremors, sometimes called «intention tremors,» because they're more pronounced when the cat is deliberately intending to do something with his head, like eat or drink.
Mild cases may just walk mechanically - like a windup toy - and occasional head tremors (intention tremors).
Clinical signs include progressive cerebellar ataxia, intention tremor, hypermetria, and possible loss of menace response due to cerebellar involvement.
A particularly telling sign is a jerky (tremors), exaggerated (hypermetric), mechanical motion when the kitten is focused to some action or on moving from one location to another (intention tremors).
Some children exhibit an intention tremor — a tremor that worsens when attempting an act such as reaching for an object.
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