Sentences with phrase «interacting partners»

The phrase "interacting partners" refers to individuals, groups, or things that communicate, work together, or have some form of relationship with each other. They interact and engage with each other to accomplish or influence something. Full definition
It is also the first to suggest EDD1 as a novel interacting partner of TIP60, a finding which advances the understanding of how this pathway could contribute to cancer progression not only in cervical cancer, but also in many other cancer types such as breast and ovarian cancer.
«We know that proteins with more interacting partners evolve more slowly,» Wu said.
During his time at Harvard, he solved the structure of a portion of this 20 - protein molecular machine that acts as scissors, a protein called ERCC1 and its complexes with interacting partner proteins, XPF and XPA.
Both are addressed by recent developments that include: 1) a novel hyperscanning technology (functional near - infrared spectroscopy, fNIRS) that acquires hemodynamic signals simultaneously between two naturally interacting partners using a spectral absorbance technique that detects changes in hemodynamic signals acquired by surface - mounted optodes, and 2) a recently proposed Interactive Brain Hypothesis that establishes a broad theoretical framework for two - person social neuroscience.
Recently, the combination of these two techniques has produced a new generation of experimental setups enabling the simultaneous manipulation of a biological substrate (for example an actin filament or a DNA molecule) and detection / localization of an interacting partner enzyme (for example myosin or a DNA - binding protein).
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