Sentences with phrase «interactive behavior»

The purpose of this study is to examine the relations among maternal depression, security of attachment, and peer interactive behaviors in early childhood.
: Mothers with depressive symptoms were poorer, were less educated and rated lower infant bonding than mothers without depressive symptoms (p = 0.03), yet objective observation revealed no difference between the two groups regarding maternal interactive behavior (p = 0.57).
Conclusion: Although mothers with depressive symptoms did not show less sensitivity in interactive behavior at 2 - 3 months than those without depressive symptoms, our results indicate that infants, particularly boys, of mothers with depressive symptoms may be negatively influenced by depressive symptoms.
Quality of infant — parent attachment as reflected in infant interactive behavior during instructional tasks
Empirical classification of infant — mother relationships from interactive behavior and crying during reunion
: Although mothers with depressive symptoms did not show less sensitivity in interactive behavior at 2 - 3 months than those without depressive symptoms, our results indicate that infants, particularly boys, of mothers with depressive symptoms may be negatively influenced by depressive symptoms.
Several aspects of teachers» interactive behaviors appear to uniquely predict gains in young children's achievement:
The Siamese heritage of this cat is probably responsible for not only its people attraction, but its smarts and interactive behavior as well.
The relational basis of adolescent adjustment: trajectories of mother — child interactive behaviors from infancy to adolescence shape adolescents» adaptation
An adult porpoise, capable of experiences that include the use of sophisticated communication and socially interactive behavior, is clearly higher on the continuum than a newborn human baby, whose experiences are primarily basic reflexive actions, and less interactive.
Background: Electronic activity monitors (such as those manufactured by Fitbit, Jawbone, and Nike) improve on standard pedometers by providing automated feedback and interactive behavior change tools via mobile device or personal computer.
Good appetite High energy level Healthy - appearing coat Interactive behavior No vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, increased thirst or unexplained weight loss
It is also interesting that sniffing was the most popularly shown interactive behavior.
Dusky dolphins are known for their acrobatic and interactive behavior so they tend to be quite curious and swim very close often circling you if you play along.
Each activity also feature additional interactive behaviors such as Dolphin Kiss, Dolphin Hug, Dolphin Fin - to - Hand shake... and much more!
Results showed that Romanian mothers placed more emphasis on values and behaviors related to interdependence / sociocentrism, whereas Italian mothers more highly valued socialization goals and interactive behaviors consonant with an individualistic / independent orientation.
These findings have important implications for the timing (across early childhood) and content (responsive interactive behaviors) of early intervention to enhance the outcomes for children born at VLBW.
Results: Mothers with depressive symptoms were poorer, were less educated and rated lower infant bonding than mothers without depressive symptoms (p = 0.03), yet objective observation revealed no difference between the two groups regarding maternal interactive behavior (p = 0.57).
Change in mother — infant interactive behavior: Relations to change in the mother, the infant, and the social context
At these doses the drug can also increase friendly and interactive behavior.
Interactive behavior (Coding partners» behavior and emotions as couples interact in various contexts)
Origins of maternal role satisfaction and its influences upon maternal interactive behavior and infant - mother attachment
In comparison, the observation of coparenting behaviors during triadic interactions allow direct access to the interactive behaviors of the coparenting dyad.
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