Sentences with phrase «interactive effects of age»

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Black race was associated with teaching / verbal assertion and mild physical force, and race was part of an interactive effect with maternal age for limit setting.
The present investigation examined the main and interactive effects of anxiety sensitivity (AS) and emotion dysregulation in predicting anxiety - relevant cognitive and affective symptoms among a community - based sample of young adults (n = 242, 135 women; M age = 23.0 years, SD = 8.71).
Interactive effects of attachment and FKBP5 genotype on school - aged children's emotion regulation and depressive symptoms.
Results were subjected to (1) correlation analyses that examined associations among the EF measures, (2) multivariate analysis of variance that compared EF performance between the preterm / ELBW group and the full - term group as a function of age, and (3) correlation and regression analyses that evaluated the main and interactive effects of the biomedical variables and SES on EF scores within the preterm / ELBW group.
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