Sentences with phrase «interconnected system»

The phrase "interconnected system" refers to a group of things or parts that are connected or linked together. These connections enable them to work together and have an effect on each other. Full definition
Without a strong interconnected system of ocean currents, most of the planet's heat exchange takes place through the general circulation of the atmosphere.
That nearly blew my mind, until I started thinking about the layers and layers of interconnected systems in this car.
The model is designed as a highly interconnected system, so that the actions each domain affect and reflect the actions and results of other domains.
This creates a living, interconnected system which is so important for an environmentally sustainable future.
The way interconnected systems work is typically depicted using the butterfly effect where one small localized cause can have drastic consequences across the planet.
A profound shift in our understanding — the shift toward recognizing interconnected systems — has been happening across many fields.
Cells are complex interconnected systems with many processes occurring in parallel The complexity and robustness of the cell is crucially dependent on the ability to orchestrate localization of a staggering number of simultaneously occurring biochemical processes.
The state government has today announced that two private investors will co-invest with Synergy in a joint venture that is planning to build up to 210 megawatts of renewable energy projects in the South West Interconnected System.
The researchers» next step, Cevrero said, is to validate a complete optical interconnect system by measuring the optical transmitter, as well as to increase the data transmission speed on the receiver side to 56 Gb / s per channel.
Tags for this Online Resume: Manager / Dept Lead, EWIS (Electrical Wiring Interconnect System), project management, Catia V5, Enovia, Dallas / Fort Worth
Within the continuum of planetary life there have evolved many interconnected systems, each of them in symbiotic relationship with its environment.
We note that some species are far more important than others to the sustaining of the whole interconnected system of animate and inanimate things.
Fundamentally, this is the right approach for managing systemic risk and change in complex interconnected systems, and for successfully managing common resources — though it has yet to dent the inexorable rise in global greenhouse - gas emissions.
The idea is that a large, interconnected system composed of smart microgrids will be more resilient, helping to eventually eradicate — or at least greatly minimize — blackouts.
They are among researchers around the globe who are seeking a method that enables the observation of proteins, lipids and DNA inside individual cells, as well as gaining a better understanding of how this intricate and interconnected system changes with time.
Reconfiguring a widely interconnected system is a daunting challenge, though.
The arms race has created an incredibly complex and interconnected system involving more than 30 effector proteins.
The lymph system is an extensive interconnected system which transports lymph, a clear to yellowish fluid, through the body.
A unique interconnected system of E Ink's electronic paper displays running on Visionect's platform was created to overcome the usual visibility, powering and connectivity issues of traffic signalization.
The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System is one interconnected system comprised of seven marine protected areas located along the length of the barrier reef, the shelf lagoon and offshore atolls.
Five complicated interconnecting systems can just end up as frustrating.
SOC, particularly across interconnected systems, is perhaps not sufficiently addressed in many analyses, even though such phenomena (e.g. avalanche - type phenomena) are ubiquitous.
In Germany, GE is moving forward on interconnected systems in a new pilot program.
It is a grave error to extrapolate from a simple thought experiment about an ice cube melting in a glass to a prediction of the behaviour of a vast and interconnected system like the arctic ocean.
Your project is to design for Portland, with the functionality of Copenhagen's active transportation infrastructure with adaptions as required for Portland's hilly land character, a neighborhood to employment interconnecting system of cycle tracks to be built upon Portland's street grid, that would enable and support residents» opportunity to dispense with the use of a car for this typical day to day commute, accomplishing it with a bike instead.
The eastern Australian grid (the so - called National Electricity Market, NEM) and the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) in Western Australia.
To improve power efficiency in optical interconnect system, the researchers developed the rapid on / off functionality for the receiver, so that links can be powered off during idle time and powered back on when the data is ready to be transmitted.
Provide Human Factors (Module 9), Aviation Legislation (Module 10) and Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS) trainings to the technical maintenance staff as required by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
«We are not just addressing mental health issues, but the whole interconnected system that makes up a human being,» says Betts.
But if you already have a hardwired, interconnected system in your house, just one Roost battery in one wired smoke alarm will work to alert you when any of the interconnected alarms go off, making that the least expensive complete - home - retrofit option.
With so many interconnected systems, from the farm simulation to simple combat and cooking to crafting, and each driving the others forward in some way, it's a deeper and more complex game than you'd expect after the first day on the farm.
The creation of the consumer economy — a complex, interconnected system of institutions, goals, rewards, and punishments — was one of the great social projects of the twentieth century, when energy was cheaply abundant and two of our chief economic problems were overproduction and unemployment.
There are millions of hackers out there that could compromise these interconnected systems.
«The interconnected leader sees himself or herself as the generator of impulses into an interconnected system to realize the purpose of the organization,» writes the Dalai Lama and van den Muyzenberg, in The Leader's Way.
What happened here is that, from mid-January until two days ago, energy was «going missing» from the huge, interconnected system — by a tiny margin, more energy was being consumed than was being produced, leading the average frequency over that period to be 49.996 Hz rather than 50 Hz.
The program will be strengthened by developing an interconnected system of public green spaces, housing restoration projects, new infrastructure, community buildings and much more, helping to accelerate revitalization.
«Novel energy - saving optical receiver with a new record of rapid power - on / off time: New NRZ optical receiver opens doors for the next - generation green, larger - capacity optical interconnect systems
According to the researchers, the rapid power - on / off feature will enhance link utilization and greatly reduce energy consumption on a chip or in an optical interconnect system.
«The density in the crystal is now high enough to introduce long - range order, so the molecules behave as an interconnected system instead of just a collection of isolated particles,» JILA / NIST Fellow Jun Ye says.
Scientists create JILA's quantum crystal by precisely overlapping two dense gases of ultracold potassium and rubidium atoms (left) to produce molecules that form an interconnected system (right), in which «spin» properties can migrate between molecules.
In April, the government approved an expansion plan that calls for the construction of a transmission line that would connect Chile's Central Interconnected System grid and northern Interconnected System of Norte Grande grid, and bring the clean energy in the north to the rest of the country.
This study highlights the key role of vegetation in controlling future terrestrial hydrologic response and emphasizes that the continental carbon and water cycles are intimately coupled over land and must be studied as an interconnected system.
The electrical grid in the contiguous United States is a behemoth of interconnected systems.
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