Sentences with phrase «intercourse while»

K.D. gave conflicting evidence about whether this was the first time J.A. had taken such back - door liberties but she did agree that within ten seconds of regaining consciousness, he removed the dildo and the two proceeded to have consensual vaginal intercourse while she remained bound.
Later that year, she was a Turner Prize nominee and exhibited My Bed — a readymade installation, consisting of her own unmade dirty bed, in which she had spent several weeks drinking, smoking, eating, sleeping and having sexual intercourse while undergoing a period of severe emotional flux.
It might have seemed tricky or exciting enough, engaging in intercourse while navigating around a baby bump.
The best thing you can do is ensure that you are not lifting anything heavier than what your doctor has recommended, be aware of standing in one place for too long, and avoid anal intercourse while pregnant.

Not exact matches

NuvaRing can accidentally slip out of the vagina while removing a tampon, during intercourse, or straining during a bowel movement.
While it is not reasonable for an infected spouse to demand marital intercourse when their spouse is unwilling to be exposed to the attendant risks, it may be reasonable for an uninfected spouse willingly to accept the risks associated with marital intercourse.
Analogously, it might be said that perfection in sexual intercourse involves seeking the full meaning of the act, i.e. seeking procreation, a godly but imperfect use of the actinvolves seeking a secondary end without the primary end (or in its conscious absence), while it is sinful directly to oppose the primary end of procreation.
time for me to leave my country for 5 years study (medical field)... and while i am i that country (China) once i intercourse with a prostitute (i am really shamefull)... then after few times i found another girl in facebook (from my hometown only) then fall in love with her and that loves get stronger day by day (she is a christian) and i told her that im not virgin and i had this girlfriend and i did with prostitute so she forgives me and ask me to lie new life... but still i havent leave my e girl friend (i found difficult to leave her, i do nt love her much, but i do nt know how i love her in first place, she is much older than me), my ex gf came to suspects about my new relationship via facebooks post, comments, likes and all and sometimes i did told her that i have this new friend... as time passes by, she realised it and she do nt talk to me anymore till now... and last time i went home i met my new girl friend and we intercourse....
And while the social customs, civil laws, and authoritatively sanctioned principles of a society can be said to have determinative influence on the social practices and development of a society, still it is the case that these social customs, etc., have that efficacy only as enacted by individuals in daily social intercourse.
Without reluctance or uncertainty Matthew ascribes Jesus» origin to the generating activity of the holy Spirit: «While his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph before they had sexual intercourse she was found pregnant from the holy Spirit.»
While Holloway did not elaborate on this point, I think it is reasonable to say that Holloway most certainly saw sexual intercourse as uniquely «the» marriage act and thus not just on the same level as other acts a coupledo together.
For example, for certain persons in certain situations solitude is an intrinsic good, while for other persons in the same situation social intercourse would be intrinsically good.
While healthwise it may be OK to have intercourse, fatigue, breast tenderness, nausea, and more might leave your partner feeling less than in - the - mood.
As for having intercourse, we managed to make another baby while co-sleeping... LOL When baby is asleep, the bed is yours!
Assange is accused of having intercourse with a woman without a condom while she slept.
Buffalo businessman and political activist Carl Paladino hopes President Obama contracts mad cow disease after having intercourse with a cow and dies, while his advisor Valerie Jarret is killed by «a Jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.»
He is accused of engaging in sexual intercourse and oral sex with a female subordinate without her consent while the two were traveling for a conference in Albany in early December.
The two species of chimpanzee and the one living hominid — Homo sapiens — are the only three mammalian species to make eye contact while nursing; bonobo chimps and humans are the only two species to make eye contact during sexual intercourse.
While the probability of HIV transmission varies with the stage of the disease and the type of sexual contact, it appears to pass from infected to uninfected individuals in less than 1 percent of acts of unprotected heterosexual intercourse, while the corresponding probability of HPV transmission is thought to be higher than 5 percent — probably much hiWhile the probability of HIV transmission varies with the stage of the disease and the type of sexual contact, it appears to pass from infected to uninfected individuals in less than 1 percent of acts of unprotected heterosexual intercourse, while the corresponding probability of HPV transmission is thought to be higher than 5 percent — probably much hiwhile the corresponding probability of HPV transmission is thought to be higher than 5 percent — probably much higher.
This study provides the first U.S. nationally representative data on pathways to orgasm during intercourse, noting that nearly 75 percent of women reported that clitoral stimulation was either necessary for their intercourse - orgasms, or helped their orgasms feel better, while 18 percent noted that vaginal penetration alone was sufficient for orgasm.
IC is a bladder disease characterized by chronic pelvic pain, a persistent and urgent need to urinate, (often throughout the day and night and sometimes more than 50 times a day), pain or discomfort while the bladder fills and relief after urinating, and pain during sexual intercourse.
Vaginal and vulva dryness can cause pain and discomfort outside of intercourse, while doing your favorite things (horseback riding, gardening, Zumba class, etc.) or even during your gynecological exam and / or Pap smear.
While estrogen heightens sensitivity during intercourse, progesterone maintains your libido and testosterone plays a vital part in both women and men's sexual functions.
While critical, advance notice represents just half of what you need to plan intercourse successfully.
In older couples, acupuncture can address erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, poor sperm morphology, painful intercourse and low libido, while improving the quality of both the egg and sperm.
While controversial in some circles, there is some science behind timing intercourse to «sway» a boy or girl baby.
While both intercourse and the act of saying «I love you» for the first time possess inherent levels of vulnerability, it's not a good idea to consolidate these two acts.
Most importantly, there is already humor in it Do not worry about infecting someone as your partner already has it, only to be responsible while having sexual intercourse.
Sometimes you wear a condom, and without you knowing, it bursts while doing sexual intercourse.
Water - based lubes like Sliquid Organics are great for toys while silicone - based lubes like the one by Pjur are better for intercourse, oral sex and fingering.
While there have been noticeable social... Because Saudi women are expected to be virgins when they marry, many opt not to have vaginal intercourse and...
While many think the relationship is built around intercourse and for some this might be true, this is not standard, and Sugar Babies should not be viewed as high class escorts, prostitutes, or courtesans.
While his detractors blame Kinsey for much of the looseness of morals that developed in the decades following his published studies, Condon's film seeks to make him somewhat of a hero, as sexual repression and lack of adequate education were responsible for a high number of unhappy and confused people who saw anything but heterosexual intercourse as deviant behavior — even oral sex was against the law in some parts of the United States at the time.
(It's like using a condome while having intercourse with strangers) No one else will protect you, so you will have to protect yourself.
According to the French law, a man or a woman having frequent unprotected heterosexual intercourses — including with an HIV infected partner — will be, at best, temporally excluded from donation, while a man in a committed homosexual relationship is permanently excluded.
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and another person who is not the spouse, while the marriage is still valid.
While a significantly lower proportion of participants in the advance provision group (47 %) reported condom use at last intercourse than in the clinic access group (54 %), this difference was not significant after adjusting for race / ethnicity and clinic site (OR, 0.79; 95 % CI, 0.60 - 1.04, P =.09).
While we do have data from several small studies showing that advance provision of EC is not associated with increases in unprotected intercourse or decreases in condom use, these self - report data have not been correlated with outcome data, particularly biological markers.4 - 6, 13,14
Conclusions While removing the requirement to go through pharmacists or clinics to obtain EC increases use, the public health impact may be negligible because of high rates of unprotected intercourse and relative underutilization of the method.
While several investigators have demonstrated that women who receive EC before they need to use it («advance provision») are more likely to use it if unprotected intercourse occurs, there have been no trials in the United States evaluating the impact of pharmacy access on key reproductive health outcomes.4 - 6 Glasier and Baird demonstrated that Scottish women who had an advance supply of EC on hand were almost twice as likely to use the medication if needed; however, the sample size was small and the difference in pregnancy rates between access groups was not statistically significant, making it difficult to draw conclusions about the effect of advance provision on unintended pregnancy rates.7
While removing the requirement to go through pharmacists or clinics to obtain EC increases use, the public health impact may be negligible because of high rates of unprotected intercourse and relative underutilization of the method.
While true monogamy can protect partners if both were disease - free prior to the initiation of sexual intercourse, many couples do not wait to get tested for diseases before they have sex the first time.
While Plan B can be taken up to three days after unprotected intercourse, its effectiveness is dependent upon how soon it is taken after sex.
For example, couples trying to avoid pregnancy may choose to abstain from intercourse or use a barrier method, such as condoms, during their fertile window, while couples trying to conceive will likely try to have intercourse during this time.
Interestingly, while most high school teens believe that sexual intercourse is something that is «inappropriate,» a majority become sexually active by the time they graduate from high school.
«There are things you can do for your partner other than intercourse that are less draining but still satisfying, such as oral sex or holding or caressing him while he masturbates.»
In general, women are more prone to think love associated with emotional commitment and security components, while men, on their turn, associate it with sexual commitment elements and the «pleasure of intercourse» (Buss, 2000; Cimbalo & Novell, 1993).
Adolescent sexual intercourse with and without condoms as well as adolescent engagement in other sexual behaviors while still a virgin were also assessed but as dichotomized variables (yes / no) rather than in terms of frequency.
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