Sentences with phrase «intercourse within»

ANOVA of IH score by the relative frequency of condom use with non-steady partners, with covariates, the number of non-steady partners that they had unprotected anal intercourse within the past year and perceived control over sexual risk - taking, demonstrated a small - to - moderate effect size (η2 = 0.03).
Two lines often mean that ovulation will occur and you should start planning for sexual intercourse within the next 48 hours.
If such a decision can be reached under the teaching of the encyclical, then there may be room for the separation of the procreative and unitive functions of intercourse within certain limits in the context of marriage.
[1] It is being argued that condom - use for intercourse within marriage would be permissible to prevent transmission of HIV between spouses.

Not exact matches

When the post-modernist argues that justice is a game we play; a set of rules two or more people agree upon as the frame within which to carry on their social intercourse (see, for instance, JG), the discussion shifts from a celebration of various uniqueness to the difficult question of how they interact.
Without compromising the church's traditional teaching that sexual intercourse is appropriate only within the covenant relationship, pastors should be prepared to provide relevant and reliable information on this life - and - death matter.
We all promote the same essential moral view of sexuality: Sexual intercourse is moral only between a man and a woman within marriage and only when the spouses respect the procreative end of the marital act.
But once (within marriage) generosity has been fulfilled in a particular couple (which only they can determine in conscience), need «each and every act of sexual intercourse» be open to the gift of children without destroying the symbolism of the conjugal act as complete self - gift to each other?
Fourth, within marriage sexual intercourse should be a means of procreation and of expressing the mutual devotion of husband and wife.
Although Leviticus 18 and 20 prohibit homosexual activity, why is it that prohibitions within the same legal codes that carry the same penalties (cf. not having intercourse during a woman's menstrual period, Lev.
In the precise sense homosexual acts comprise anal or oral intercourse chosen by two males, with the intention that at least one of them achieve satisfaction by ejaculating within the other's body.
According to a San Francisco survey reported in Time magazine, 46 percent of the homosexuals interviewed who were between ages eighteen and twenty - five had engaged in anal intercourse without a condom within the previous month» despite the threat of AIDS.
They tell us that they have arrived at an unshakable conviction, not based on inference but on immediate experience, that God is a spirit with whom the human spirit can hold intercourse; that in him meet all that they can imagine of goodness, truth, and beauty that they can see his footprints everywhere in nature, and feel his presence within them as the very life of their life, so that in proportion as they come to themselves they come to him.
Several studies of young unmarried mothers have found that between 20 and 25 per cent became pregnant again within two years (with the rate going much higher among certain minority groups) The repeat of pregnancy appears to be related to a lack of knowledge about the risks of sexual intercourse, limited opportunity for further education, boredom with homelife, and the unavailability of a strong female support group.
Regardless of one's view of either homosexuality or promiscuity, the facts are that the only truly safe intercourse is that within a lifelong monogamous relationship, and that AIDS is closely linked with homosexual promiscuity.
Today, levonorgestrel (LNG) in a single dose of 1.5 mg taken within 120 h of an unprotected intercourse is the most widely used EC method worldwide.
The Roman Catholic Church condemns it because it holds that procreation is the only legitimate purpose of sexual intercourse, and continence within marriage the only legitimate mode of family limitation.11 Most Roman Catholics and some Protestants, though probably a decreasing number, hold that family limitation by an artificial means is «against nature,» and hence against the divine will.
This abundance of specialized, self - lubricating mobile skin gives the natural penis its unique hallmark ability to smoothly «glide» in and out within itselfâ $» permitting natural non-abrasive masturbation and intercourse, without drying out the vagina or requiring artificial lubricants.»
About 9 out of every 10 couples will achieve a pregnancy within a year, assuming they are timing intercourse to the fertile period of the menstrual cycle.
Most women are able to resume normal activities within a day or two after the procedure, but you may need to avoid tampons and sexual intercourse for about two weeks.
You're under 35 and have not conceived within a year after having regular intercourse timed to coincide with ovulation
You're over 35 and have not conceived within six months with regular intercourse timed to coincide with ovulation
Within a couple months you should know exactly when your LH surge is and therefore the optimum time to have intercourse to ensure pregnancy.
This is important since you will want to have intercourse twice at most within your fertility window to ensure your best chances for getting pregnant.
In emergency situation, take an i pill within 72 hours after intercourse.
My question was this: Is there a way to tell if you're pregnant within the first week of having intercourse?
(To prevent pregnancy, the drug must be taken within 72 hours of intercourse; the woman was able to fill her prescription at a Walgreens later that evening.)
Its about 90 % effective if taken within the first 24 hours after intercourse.
K.D. gave conflicting evidence about whether this was the first time J.A. had taken such back - door liberties but she did agree that within ten seconds of regaining consciousness, he removed the dildo and the two proceeded to have consensual vaginal intercourse while she remained bound.
WHO recommends that a copper - bearing IUD, when used as an emergency contraceptive method, be inserted within 5 days of unprotected intercourse.
Lastly, the copper IUD Paragard ® can be used as EC if inserted within 5 days of sexual intercourse.
Analysis of pharmacist treatment consent forms used in 2001 and 2002 showed that 56.2 % of women receiving an EC reported using a method of birth control that had failed, 55.7 % of pharmacist - provided ECs were obtained within 24 hours after unprotected intercourse, 1.1 % of ECs were obtained for future use, antiemetics were provided to 57.7 % of women receiving the Yuzpe regimen (Ovral, Preven) and to 20.5 % of women receiving levonorgestrel, and women tended to seek ECs when unprotected intercourse occurred at the time of highest risk of pregnancy in their menstrual cycle.
When inserted within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse, a copper - bearing IUD is more than 99 % effective in preventing pregnancy.
However, EC only works within a certain period of time following intercourse and may not be as effective as routine methods of birth control.
Taking a double dose of levonorgestrel (i.e. 3000 mcg within 72 hours after the unprotected intercourse) is an option for women who are unable or unwilling to use a Cu - IUD, although this specific combination (a double dose of levonorgestrel during»
The Committee has expressed concern about domestic violence, including forced sexual intercourse, within the context of marriage.
To be most effective, emergency contraception should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure.
EC lowers the risk of pregnancy when taken within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse.
* A ParaGard IUD can be used as emergency contraception if inserted by a health care provider within 120 hours (five days) after unprotected intercourse.
It can also be used as emergency contraception if inserted within five days after unprotected intercourse.
Emergency contraception pills contain hormones that reduce the risk of pregnancy when started within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse.
It works by delaying or preventing ovulation, or the release of an egg from a woman's ovary, when taken within five days of unprotected intercourse.
Whereas kissing is commonly perceived as a display of affection in romantic relationships, research highlights a far more nuanced explanation regarding the «function» of kissing within relationships.1 Some research suggests that kissing enables individuals to assess the quality of potential partners by putting individuals in close proximity, making it easier to examine features that are associated with mate value, such as breath and skin texture.2 Other research suggests that kissing elevates levels of arousal, which may lead to sexual intercourse.3 A third body of research suggests that kissing can influence feelings of attachment, alleviate stress, and increase relationship satisfaction.4 Given these varied explanations, the question remains: is there a single purpose for kissing or do all these explanations hold truth?
Hi Diya, if you had an unprotected intercourse and if you want to avoid unwanted pregnancy then you can take an emergency pill within 72 hours of the intercourse.
Available for nearly 40 years, it contains hormones found in birth control pills and must be taken within 120 hours after intercourse to be effective.
One tablet taken orally as soon as possible, within 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected intercourse or a known or suspected contraceptive failure.
A first dose taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, followed by a second 12 hours later, is highly effective in preventing ovulation, fertilization and implantation.
• Emergency contraception within 72 hours after an unprotected sexual intercourse or in case of failure of a contraceptive method.
The Committee has also stated that female genital mutilation is a practice that breaches article 6 and 7 of the Covenant, despite the cultural significance of the practice in some societies (80); and has expressed concern about domestic violence, including forced sexual intercourse, within the context of marriage.
We included in our analysis English - speaking female participants between the ages of 14 and 19 years who, at baseline, had vaginal or anal intercourse with an opposite sex partner in the preceding 3 months, resided within the Baltimore metropolitan area, completed an interview on perceived parental supervision and communication, and provided a urine specimen for laboratory testing.
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