Sentences with phrase «intercourse without»

In women who are over 35 years old, the period where the woman engages in sexual intercourse without getting pregnant is 6 months.
Infertility refers to difficulty in becoming pregnant after a reasonable period of sexual intercourse without contraception.
Reduced the number of acts of intercourse without a condom among sexually experienced students in the cohort at the 7 - month and 31 - month follow - ups.
We need our vaginal tissues to be able to move up and down and expand out in a circle in order to enjoy intercourse without pain.
However, if you are just unable to have intercourse without a little bit of moisture, use saliva or coconut oil.
Kinsey's interviews with nearly 6,000 women, as well as subsequent surveys, revealed that the vast majority of women do not climax during sexual intercourse without direct stimulation of the clitoris.
It enrolled HIV negative gay men who had had at least one episode of receptive or insertive anal intercourse without a condom in the previous 90 days.
If you are over the age of 35, and you haven't gotten pregnant after 6 months of well - timed intercourse without using birth control, the recommend from the major fertility associations are that you seek the help of an obstetrician or fertility specialist (reproductive endocrinologist).
According to a San Francisco survey reported in Time magazine, 46 percent of the homosexuals interviewed who were between ages eighteen and twenty - five had engaged in anal intercourse without a condom within the previous month» despite the threat of AIDS.
Business Insider found 15 cases where Yale issued a finding of «penetration without consent,» «nonconsensual sex,» or «intercourse without consent.»

Not exact matches

A Copenhagen court on Wednesday convicted Madsen of murdering Wall, sexual assault without intercourse for the stabbing of Wall's genitals, and violating her corpse, tweeted Julie Thomsen, a reporter at the trial.
Without compromising the church's traditional teaching that sexual intercourse is appropriate only within the covenant relationship, pastors should be prepared to provide relevant and reliable information on this life - and - death matter.
Let's imagine for a moment a heaven without sexual intercourse, no however many perpetual virgins and no Kama Sutra.
They accordingly rejected the notion that Mary conceived Jesus without se - xual intercourse with a man.
Henceforward intercourse became possible without consequences or mutual commitment.
Analogously, it might be said that perfection in sexual intercourse involves seeking the full meaning of the act, i.e. seeking procreation, a godly but imperfect use of the actinvolves seeking a secondary end without the primary end (or in its conscious absence), while it is sinful directly to oppose the primary end of procreation.
This season offers you the opportunity to dwell on learning how to caress each other and enjoying each other's bodies without intercourse.
But once (within marriage) generosity has been fulfilled in a particular couple (which only they can determine in conscience), need «each and every act of sexual intercourse» be open to the gift of children without destroying the symbolism of the conjugal act as complete self - gift to each other?
On some occasions, sharing may be fulfilling and even delightful, without including intercourse.
2 The solution for a couple who are in a stable non-sacramental marriage is to live without sexual intercourse, whilst loving and caring for each other in every other way.
Without reluctance or uncertainty Matthew ascribes Jesus» origin to the generating activity of the holy Spirit: «While his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph before they had sexual intercourse she was found pregnant from the holy Spirit.»
Also, Russell, unlike many religious folk who write on these issues, has the virtue of facing up to the implications of his position without fudging by the use of rhetorical appeals to love and the «ultimate significance» of acts of sexual intercourse.
«Since the social bond of marriage was instituted from the beginning in such a way that without sexual intercourse marriages would not contain the symbol of the union of Christ and the Church, there is no doubt that a woman whom we learn to have been without the nuptial mystery does not pertain to marriage.»
But, it is mainly used by Catholics as a way to have intercourse for non-reproductive purposes without using contraceptives.
Are we to say out loud that a Catholic who has remarried without receiving an annulment is committing adultery when having sexual intercourse with his «wife»?
Finally, by means of past experiences and unconscious memories «the instinctive apprehension of a tone of feeling in ordinary social intercourse» to which Whitehead also appeals is explicable without reference to unmediated feelings.
This abundance of specialized, self - lubricating mobile skin gives the natural penis its unique hallmark ability to smoothly «glide» in and out within itselfâ $» permitting natural non-abrasive masturbation and intercourse, without drying out the vagina or requiring artificial lubricants.»
Next five months went by trying to mate during the ovulation period but since he was experiencing erectile dysfunction, we instead of going for intercourse tried to inject the sperm into my uterus using an injection syringe without the needle but our attempts failed and i didn't become pregnant.
Although they serve no sexual function (in other words, intercourse can happen with or without them) breasts are still deemed as naughty bits in mainstream American culture.
If you are under age 35, and you've been having unprotected sexual intercourse for one year without conceiving, or, if you are age 35 or older and have not become pregnant after six months of unprotected sexual intercourse, you should talk to our experienced fertility specialist, Fady Sharara, M.D.
Masturbation or having a partner that pleasures you (without sexual intercourse) is a nice alternative to sex.
If you have been told to avoid sex because of a history or risk of preterm labor, you will also want to ask if that means you need to discontinue orgasms without intercourse as well.
If you are not using hormonal birth control and want to limit your chances of getting pregnant without using condoms, you need to time your intercourse correctly.
If intercourse is OK — but orgasm is prohibited — you could try making love without reaching climax.
Intercourse may be permitted without orgasm for the woman.
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Assange is accused of having intercourse with a woman without a condom while she slept.
He is accused of engaging in sexual intercourse and oral sex with a female subordinate without her consent while the two were traveling for a conference in Albany in early December.
Dirschberger is accused of having sexual intercourse and engaging in oral sex with the 28 - year - old woman without her consent.
Also, [we are] exploring other avenues than just penis - in - vagina intercourse, because you can have pleasure without «actual» intercourse
Without this gliding action, the corona of the circumcised penis can function as a one - way valve, scraping vaginal lubricants out into the drying air and making artificial lubricants essential for pleasurable intercourse.
If you have gone more than three months without birth control and regular unprotected sexual intercourse, and have not become pregnant, your first step should be to see your ob / gyn and have them refer you to a fertility specialist.
Testosterone levels were found to increase on intercourse nights after sex, and did not increase on nights without intercourse.
Freud said «When a woman is a girl, she might have clitoral orgasm through clitoral stimulation, but if she becomes a sexually mature woman, she's supposed to start having vaginally centered orgasms just through intercourse, without clitoral stimulation.»
Some of my sexual services are French kissing, tongue getting, BJ, different positions for intercourse, CIM, COB, COM, dental without contraceptive, role play, remove tease, therapeutic massage etc..
When they are ready for a more intimate relationship, explore different ways to pleasure each without intercourse.
Sometimes you wear a condom, and without you knowing, it bursts while doing sexual intercourse.
Study commissioned by Royal Marital rape (or spousal rape) is the act of sexual intercourse with one's spouse without the spouse's consent.
Can also be used as foreplay before sex or just a Sexual activity without having to actually have full Sexual Intercourse Technically 3rd base lowers the house advantage very very slightly as well for counters.
He or she engages in sexual intercourse with another person without such person «s consent where such lack of consent is by reason of some factor other than incapacity to consent.
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