Sentences with phrase «interdisciplinary work pointed»

While Kubota's interdisciplinary work pointed to her influences from John Cage and Marcel Duchamp, in her compositions of television monitors embedded in wooden boxes and other sculptural structures, Kubota emphasized form and permanence rather than the destruction and mutability found in many Fluxus performances.

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We've reached a point now in the interdisciplinary growth of our science where we've got climate scientists, who understand the physics of climate and how that translates to uncertainties, working hand in hand with economists who will run the projected impacts through a cost - benefit analysis.
He pointed to the programming at the Park Avenue Armory and plans for the coming Culture Shed in New York as evidence that there is a growing appetite for interdisciplinary work.
For example, the works in her interdisciplinary project Whistling and Language Transfiguration (WaLT)-- a vinyl record edition of a translation of Zapotec into whistling, sheet music of the transcription of the whistles into musical notes, and a linguistic abacus to help mark verbal variations in the recorded translation — represent Porras - Kim's effort to maintain the viability of the Zapotec language by pointing out its unique qualities, and contribute to the preservation of a language that was and is the cultural heritage of the Zapotec people.
«As of fall 2010, all freshmen at Meadows are introduced to alternative models of artistic practice — which includes everything from our own programs in music therapy and our interdisciplinary ensemble, Point, to our community artist partnerships with Big Thought — AND to the basics of how the various arts businesses, both nonprofit and for - profit, work.
34 And, much can be gained from reaching out to academics in other specialties who do have expertise in empirical work, potentially leading to interdisciplinary work that could reach a broader audience.35 Long sums up the point well: «If we want legal writing as a discipline to be taken seriously, we must be able to show, throughrigorous studies, that we engage in serious legal writing scholarship.»
Addressing Infant and Toddler Issues in the Juvenile Court: Challenges for the 21st Century Lillas, Langer, & Drinane Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 55 (2), 2004 View Abstract Illustrates the problems, conflicts, and solutions in working to protect an infant's or toddler's best interests from three points of view: a children's attorney, a judge, and an infant mental health specialist and interdisciplinary trainer.
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