Sentences with phrase «interest in climate»

It is must reading for anyone interested in climate change policy.
The key issue of interest in climate variations over the past 2000 years; this is the heart of the so - called hockey stick debate.
The first point of call for anyone interested in climate change.
In my opinion, this is «must read» for anyone interested in climate policy, and realistic pathways to avoiding the worst effects of climate change.
In fact, three quarters of voters of color surveyed said that they have become more interested in climate issues over the past several years and are paying closer attention to new information.
They are not interested in climate or the environment.
With growing interest in climate change, transportation decision makers are facing increased public emphasis on the relationship between transportation and climate change.
With my deep interest in climate change, I still can not believe how that job fell into my lap.
It should be essential reading for anyone with a passing interest in the climate - change debate.
The event was attended by 650 scientists and others interested in climate change.
The president's interest in climate legislation is also becoming increasingly clear.
Some 71 per cent of managers reported an increase in client interest in climate resilient products over the last 12 months, according to the survey.
The report found that the Colombian government and media were both failing to stimulate interest in climate change and explain how it would affect people's daily lives.
He is interested in climate variability and changes in extremes for adaptation and applications.
There is a small but rapidly growing academic interest in climate change ethics.
Only people with a scientific bent or a strong existing interest in climate change will make it more than half the way through.
None of these showed the slightest interest in climate before the subject became politically controversial.
My special interest in climate change began several years ago when the child of a family member cried himself to sleep after watching a television documentary on the subject.
His early interest in climate science continued through the rest of his life.
They might not be soil scientists per se, or even interested in climate change.
This has led me to be interested in climate policy and to use my physicist's background to learn also about climate science.
This is a groundbreaking text for all students and scholars interested in climate.
Third, in 2009 we will have a new president, and the candidates have expressed a deep interest in climate regulation.
The real total of vested interests in climate - change science is far larger than just scientists doing pure research.
The enormous interest in climate change does not, of course, arise from any inherent fascination in the science of the problem.
I have strong interest in climate science but not enough knowledge to analyze a paper well enough to see what is wrong with it and what is right.
As I see it, interest in climate science is a bit like interest in cars.
If you haven't read that document before, and are interested in climate change, then you should read it now.
There are statisticians, like McIntyre, who have gotten interested in the climate change issue.
But I do not agree that Muir Russell can then say that Boulton holds «no prejudicial interest in climate change and climate science».
Of course, as people interested in Climate Change understand, we much less time than that to not only balance, but dramatically reduce, our emissions... some people are saying 8 years is now optimistic.
We can't sit around lamenting the lack of public interest in climate science.
Canada has recently shown interest in climate migration.
Would you agree that many of the emails suggest a small and privileged group of insiders acting in concert to deride and exclude people with genuine interest in climate change?
Of the committee members, Baroness Neuberger, who is President of the sub-committee carrying out the inquiry, is one with the least expressed interest in climate matters, her areas of interest being health, citizens» rights, asylum and refugees, and Ireland.

Phrases with «interest in climate»

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