Sentences with phrase «interest in nutrition»

The breeder was retiring her from the show ring due to an injury, and it was through this breeder that I first became interested in nutrition.
Could you just recap a little bit about how you got interested in nutrition and health?
I've been interested in nutrition for a long time and it started when I was a child growing up on my family's farm.
I have only recently taken interest in nutrition and started following a whole, plant based diet two months ago.
She says this often requires educating the health department as to why cannabis patients would be interested in nutrition facts — because they have dietary restrictions due to their illness.
Many of these organizations say that after the programs, they've found increased interest in nutrition, food from other cultures, behavioral changes and eating together as a family.
Interested in a nutrition consultation or have a question regarding our services?
For most this means a new or renewed interest in nutrition and healthy food choices.
I barely had more than a passing interest in nutrition until the mid 2000s.
I moved away from it as a career, but I became interested in nutrition and exercise, trying different ways of eating and training to lose weight for my wedding.
She has a special interest in nutrition, alternative therapies and neonatal care.
Prior assessments of the influence of industry sponsorship and conflicts of interest in nutrition research have had conflicting results.22, 23 It is unclear whether studies of sponsorship bias in nutrition research have controlled for other potential biases, such as methodological quality, that could also influence research outcomes.
The primary voice behind Eat Yourself Well is Jennifer Silverberg, whose interest in nutrition began in 8th grade (when Jennifer's constant refrain of «my Health teacher said» became a family joke).
Vivica is a food photographer with interest in nutrition and follows a healthy keto / paleo diet like me!
After a health scare in 2002, Therese developed a keen interest in nutrition and wellbeing.
She's had strong interest in nutrition and exercise for over 20 years, and is an ACE - certified Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach.
Gabby first became interested in nutrition while completing her Kinesiology degree.
Speaker Jenny Tschiesche, also known as The Lunchbox Doctor, shared tips and tricks for teaching children about healthy eating, and highlighted the importance of building interest in nutrition at an early age.
The FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has repeatedly pledged his personal interest in nutrition and going ahead with menu labeling, as Politico's Helena Bottemiller Evich reported.
Although unintentional, this harmless interest in nutrition ends up going a bit far.
My 13 year old and I recently became vegetarians and frankly weren't expecting that much flavor from this recipe, we were more interested in the nutrition factor stemming from the sweet potatoes, onions and whole grain.
has it ever occured to you that being interested in nutrition data does not automatically equate to wanting «help to lose weight»?
Consumers are taking a much greater interest in nutrition and re-evaluating their diets.
A71 / 23 Maternal, infant and young child nutrition Safeguarding against possible conflicts of interest in nutrition programmes
Establishing adequate mechanisms to safeguard against potential conflicts of interest in nutrition action.
This annual campaign was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in response to the growing public interest in nutrition.
As someone interested in nutrition, I started researching foods to help fuel my immune system and keep me healthy — something my doctors, even when I asked about it, didn't have any advice on.
With my obvious interest in nutrition and social media, NuVal seems like the perfect fit for me.
I used to be very fit and healthy until I developed chronic medical conditions about 8 years ago but I used to row and was very interested in nutrition.
She is especially interested in nutrition, soft tissue surgery and dermatology.
(I got interested in nutrition & food as preventive medicine in the 1970's, & have «cleaned up» a lot of recipes over the years.)
I've been into healthy eating for many years, but developed a more profound interest in nutrition and related diseases when I started reading The China Study and other special books on nutrition.
Wendy's interest in nutrition began with the death of her father from esophageal cancer.
He has special interests in nutrition, dermatology and exotics, specifically zoo medicine and sea turtles!
Caroline Griffiths is an author, qualified home economist, cook, food writer, and food stylist with a keen interest in nutrition.
Due to health problems in herself and her family when she was growing up, Dr. Bogs became interested in nutrition and decided to get a university degree in that area while also studying many other aspects of holistic health and nutrition — at the same time.
Kali's interest in nutrition started in the food industry, where she managed coffee shops, waited tables, and read nutritional panels and cookbooks during down times.
In response to the emerging challenge of conflicts of interest in nutrition, the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development at WHO headquarters convened a WHO technical consultation on «Addressing and managing conflicts of interest in the planning and delivery of nutrition programmes at country level» in Geneva, Switzerland, on 8 — 9 October 2015.

Phrases with «interest in nutrition»

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