Sentences with phrase «interest in the election»

This is all to the good since it will stimulate interest in the election, perhaps disproportionately among younger voters and those who have opted out of the mainstream media.
The problem this creates for Labour people actually interested in elections is this: they can't offer electoral salvation.
Will the commission be expected to make voters interested in elections for police commissioners?
We will also shortly be making our datasets available for use by researchers, journalists and anyone interested in elections.
Legal Issues Related to the Elections If you're more interested in election law than how the candidates would apply the law, check out these two posts: Discussion of how the outcome of voter registration lawsuits, now ongoing, may change the outcome of the election, from The Indiana Law Blog, and an analysis of laws addressing campaign activity within the vicinity of voting booths, from Timothy Zwick at Concurring Opinions.
CBS chairman Les Moonves famously said earlier this year that Trump had been «damn good» for his network, while CNN reportedly earned an additional $ 100 million in digital ad revenues this year, thanks to interest in election coverage.
But Kogan told British politicians that he believes all modern superpowers, including the U.K., U.S. and Russia, have similar interests in election interference and social media influencing.
That's of particular interest in this election year — a year that arguably could make or break the Senate Republicans.
Now that the race is in its final stretch, the issue agenda has returned to jobs and debt — one reason why interest in the election has spiked and Mitt Romney is suddenly doing well again.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who has ruled out any national pact with the Conservatives while David Cameron is leader, claimed «a couple of dozen» Tory MPs would be interested in an election pact with his party.
In other words, I'm interested in the elections where the main / only reason one can assume for the low turnout is voter apathy / bad set of choices to vote for / general - low - election - participation culture.
«Now, it could be recalled that this same Africanus Ukparasia threatened Tompolo not to show interest in the elections, as he was a strong supporter of the APC candidate.
«The attitude of the regional chairman gives grounds for suspicion of his hidden personal interest in the elections which he would do anything to realise.
In doing so, it also reduces the influence of special interests in elections and helps
Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, said the current challenges and uncertainty surrounding the board's operations could actually serve as «an incentive to the right person, who is interested in election administration and not partisan politics.
Indeed, the intense interest in the election doesn't end at America's borders.
the censervtives wake up, McCain is for global warming and only God knows what will his position about abortion in future for the sake of his own interest in the election.
The combination of online voting, which opened on Monday and runs until April 29, and this apparent increased interest in the election, will hopefully lead to a few more lawyers actually exercising their franchise.
Justice Lloyd Karmeier of the Illinois Supreme Court was backed by business interests in his election bid, and now the plaintiffs bar thinks that Karmeier should be disqualified from cases involving or affecting his donors.
It shows that the international community has a stake and interest in the elections and is committed to the country and its citizens.
America is interested in the election.
Ekiti is controlled by the opposition party and that is why the US is interested in the election,» Tat said.
And we're looking at record breaking levels of interest in this election
This model determines the likelihood respondents will vote in the current election based upon their chance of vote, interest in the election, and past election participation.
The members would then have a champion who would, for example, defend their interests in elections.
«I see the energy I see the passion out of these students, they're interested in this election, they know this election will be big for them, and there's a lot of issues that impact students.»
This briefing explains what MEPs do, what powers they have, how the European Parliament works, and why anyone who cares about the local, national and global environment be interested in these elections.
She has developed an interest in election law as a result of the case.
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