Sentences with phrase «interest lawsuit»

Our strategic, innovative public interest lawsuits lead to legal precedents that deliver lasting solutions to our most urgent environmental problems.
«Taxpayers prevailed today as yet another meritless special interest lawsuit that sought to undo the progress made under Governor Cuomo failed in the courts,» said Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi.
Our strategic, innovative public interest lawsuits lead to legal precedents that deliver lasting solutions to our most urgent environmental problems.
A very interesting lawsuit was filed by the American Bar Association in December 2016...
The threats against Omido and her colleagues have increased considerably following their filing of a public interest lawsuit on behalf of Owino Uhuru communities who have been harmed by pollution from a local lead smelter.
«Taxpayers prevailed today as yet another meritless special interest lawsuit that sought to undo the progress made under Gov. Cuomo failed in the courts,» Rich Azzopardi said.
Our strategic, innovative public interest lawsuits lead to legal precedents that deliver lasting solutions to our most urgent environmental problems.
Our strategic, innovative public interest lawsuits lead to legal precedents that deliver lasting solutions to our most urgent environmental problems.
His spokesman called the teachers union's action an «irresponsible, special interest lawsuit» that would undermine progress that has been made to stop «skyrocketing property tax increases on homeowners and businesses.»
His spokesman called the teacher's union action an «irresponsible,» «special interest lawsuit» that would undermine progress that's been made to stop «skyrocketing property tax increases on homeowners and businesses».
Joining us will be the pilot and author Patrick Smith (Cockpit Confidential) talking about an interesting lawsuit filed by a flight attendant.
As one of the few landowners left in the area, Bowman became a key plaintiff in a public interest lawsuit to fight back Yancoal's expasion of the Ashton coal mine.
As one of the few landowners left in the area, Bowman became a key plaintiff in a public interest lawsuit to fight back the mine expansion.
CrowdJustice is a UK startup that aims to use crowdfunding to pay legal fees for public interest lawsuits.
Most recently, an interesting lawsuit was filed by the tattoo artist who created the now - famous «tribal» tattoo around Mike Tyson's left eye against Warner Bros., the studio responsible for «Hangover 2.»
Lots of funding news, and one interesting lawsuit, so let's get to it.
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