Sentences with phrase «interest of brevity»

In interest of brevity I will stop here but obviously there are lots of ideas applicable here: if you don't like how your representative voted on some issue you can change your vote manually if voting is still in progress... people should be allowed to easily switch their representative on a monthly / yearly level... etc
There's so much nonsense in this paper that, in the interest of brevity, I'll offer a few more representative quotes.
Also, in the interest of brevity, I'm going to divide my answer into a series of three posts: change at the classroom level, change at the school level and change at the district level.
In the interest of brevity, I will limit myself to just a few favorites in each of these categories in no particular order.
In the interest of brevity I will surmise with this Declaration, that this high powered and highly motivated Commission will follow the money, and if I believe you are part of the large honest majority of elected representative in Albany, NY, Assembly or the Senate, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because you won't be lumped in with the guilty.
In the interest of brevity, this month we confine ourselves to moves of twenty percent or more.
Somewhat arbitrarily, in the interests of brevity (& sanity), I'm just going to focus here on stocks that delivered gains / losses in excess of 10 %:
I am omitting the detailed results in the interest of brevity, but I will note that I did not find any evidence that DGRs were constrained by the Law of Large Numbers.
In the interests of brevity and keeping this a spoiler - free review, I'll not say more about the twists and turns but we'll come back to the plot and story later.
(I'm speaking very approximately here, in the interest of brevity.)
But in the interest of brevity, I will skip to the panel 5, which gives precipitation minus evaporation (a measure of net drying of the surface) for the period 2081 - 2100, for RCP 8.5.
Most citations have been omitted in the interest of brevity.
In the interest of brevity, I will touch on just a few physical benefits of marriage.
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