Sentences with phrase «interest of customers»

As people who are supposed to keep the best interest of their customers in mind, the advisors drew a complete blank.
In addition, the pricing system is adjusted to meet the financial interests of all customers.
What makes the company unique is its ability to structure and deliver products to match the specific needs and interests of customers who come through both channels.
Our goal is to provide insurance quotes with the best interests of the customer in mind.
Our pricing system meets the financial interests of all customers and you are welcome to choose the price which meets your needs and wants.
Said Ketchum: «I'm confident that each of the commissioners recognizes the importance of the SEC playing a central role in defining a best interest of the customer standard for the industry.»
Russ Grandinetti, Amazon's senior vice president of Kindle content, indicated to the WSJ that the retailer was willing to suffer some damage to its reputation in the Hachette dispute in order to do what is «in the long - term interest of our customers», saying: «The terms under which we trade will determine how good the prices are that we can offer consumers.»
For this purpose we give our customers a list of the best insurance policies that can be invested in and carry out the process of negotiating with insurance agents to clinch policies that can look into the tax saving interests of our customers the most.
Ensure projects are completed on time and anticipate issues, create project activity reports, generate interest of customers and troubleshoot.
For his part, Nakamine doesn't see it as a shift in focus but more about «deploying our engineering resources for the best interests of our customers in the market.»
If you build a business based exclusively on speed and shortcuts — even if you claim to be acting in the best interests of your customers — you'll eventually end up with a second - rate solution.
Maximizing shareholder returns is not always in the best interests of your customers.
«We are eliminating product sales goals because we want to make certain our customers have full confidence that our retail bankers are always focused on the best interests of customers,» CEO John Stumpf said in a statement about the change.
Rule No. 2: If you do what is in the best interest of a customer, you'll be supported.
Many analysts doubt RIM can maintain the interest of customers until QNX - powered devices launch next year.
Operating realities include balancing the interests of customers, suppliers, employees, and regulators.
What they said: «Standard Life has a long history in Scotland — a heritage of which we are very proud and we hope that this continues but our responsibility is to protect the interests of our customers, our shareholders, our people and other stakeholders in our business.»
There are times when the best interest of a customer is at odds with that of an employee.
The department's rule, which requires brokers offering retirement investment advice to act in the best interest of their customers (that is, under a «fiduciary» standard), has been heavily criticized by Republicans and Wall Street amid concerns it may make investment advice too costly.
Organizing Twitter Chats — In this course, learn how set up and execute a Twitter chat that piques the interest of your customers and drums up enthusiasm for your organization, increasing leads and driving interaction with your audience.
We believe our revenue model creates a healthy alignment with the interests of our customers.
«It does seem to me that this is the right time to move to a consistent, single standard that is focused on the best interest of the customer, and I'm confident that she's [White] the right person to lead us there.»
Kent Mason, a partner with Davis & Harman in Washington, a law firm serving banks and large corporations, says that while the administration's goal «is to require advisors to act in the best interest of their customers, the industry has no concerns with such a requirement, as evidenced by the industry's longstanding support» for an SEC best - interest standard.
Customizing the experience to the interests of the customer is often more important than the underlying concept for the business itself.
The» handful of industry groups and lobbyists are suing for the right to put their own financial self - interests ahead of the best interests of their customers
«If it is not in the best interests of customers, it's not advice, it's a sales pitch,» Roper continues.
«Doing so involves downplaying the sales - driven nature of the relationship and characterizing it instead as one of trust and reliance in which the interests of the customer always come first.»
«We are eliminating product sales goals because we want to make certain our customers have full confidence that our retail bankers are always focused on the best interests of customers,» CEO John Stumpf said in a statement.
In that study we identified self - dealing — recommending investments based on the financial planner's own financial interests rather than the best interests of their customers — as one of the most common sources of investor harm.
Tsai said Alibaba had proposed a corporate structure that would enable its founders — or partners — to set the strategic direction for the company «without being influenced by the fluctuating attitudes of the capital markets» in order to protect the interest of customers and all shareholders.
Coles argues there will always be promotional activity across a range of products and this will be done in the interests of customers.
They want equal or better time at every instance, even one that is intended to promote a business that sells formula, interfering not just with their legitimate and entirely moral business interests, but with the interests of their customers, many of whom * gasp * know that BF is not for them ahead of time or who even * double gasp * combo feed!
This is a victory for common sense, since it halts the prospect of some new body, or group being set at vast amounts of taxpayer's money to take evidence for a long period before reaching the conclusion that some bankers broke the law and others acted against the interests of their customers.
But it is terrible news for Labour to fare worse on doing well by workers, and no better than level - pegging on serving the interests of customers.
«Stewardship banking» means banking in the interests of customers, focused on the long term, he says.
0730 - OFWAT - Water companies should treat the interests of customers as at least as important as those of shareholders, according to Jonson Cox, the recently appointed Chairman of the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat).
A safer and more valuable RBS is in the interests of our customers, shareholders and the UK economy and we are progressing well to towards this goal under the leadership of Stephen Hester.»
Companies are moving their HQs out of Catalonia for «trying to guard the interests of their customers»
«But we have to do what's in the best interest of our customers,» he added.
To limit ourselves to a few sources of energy at the exclusion of others is not in the best interest of our customers, our economy and those who invest in our business.
(«What if your primary goal is to attract the interest of customers?
Rather than force customers into multi-year deals, LearnUpon has a pricing model that aligns the interests of customer and vendor.
«My number one priority has always been to serve in the best interest of customers,» said Bestmann.
These guys rock — go above and beyond — always look in the interest of the customer.
Mr. Bruce Lee put the interest of the customers before his.
In the interest of customer satisfaction, owners that previously paid for out - of - warranty repairs will be considered for reimbursement.
In the interest of customer satisfaction, owners that previously paid for out - of - warranty repairs to the ESCL will be offered an opportunity to request reimbursement.
These are examples of our focus to surface issues quickly and promptly take necessary actions in the best interest of our customers
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