Sentences with phrase «interest of the sorcerer»

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Even though Marvel fans are mostly pleased with the casting of Benedict Cumberbatch as the titular Sorcerer Supreme in the forthcoming Phase Three film Doctor Strange, there was almost another actor in the role who might have been a somewhat more interesting addition to the Marvel cinematic universe.
Meanwhile, Rachel McAdams gets stuck with an MCU love - interest role far less crucial than the ones Natalie Portman and Gwyneth Paltrow have already abandoned, while Mads Mikkelsen plays the villain — a sorcerer rebelling against the cruel march of time and certainty of death — with a chilly self - regard he could conjure in his sleep.
The most interesting thing about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is that its inevitable success could be attributed to the fact that roughly 90 % of the film's audience will have read the book upon which it's based.
The initial press release promises thus far for an interesting mix of genres and guests, including Kevin Smith's Red State to kick things off (hey, that's a big step up from The Sorcerer's Apprentice last year!)
During the summer of 2012 the 3DS was truly blessed, for those sorcerers at Square - Enix unleashed a trio of titles for it that, as a whole, served to elevate the console's library (not to mention generate heaps of interest among... Continue reading →
Sorcerer King is a brand new 4X strategy game that borrows elements from several different genres of games and combines them in a fun and interesting way that's never been done this well before.
Though presented without comment, the photo is a winking nod to Hammons's reputation as a kind of art - world sorcerer and also to his own anthropological interests: For five decades he has deployed conceptual jokes and everyday materials to reflect on the paradoxes and complexities of African American life.
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