Sentences with phrase «interest perspective»

Overall a day of very interesting perspectives on car seat safety.
Some location footage occasionally appears here and there, and the people interviews provide interesting perspectives on the making of the film.
We privilege local voices and people with interesting perspectives and expert knowledge as well as guides that talk about locally owned businesses, responsible travel, and community tourism.
My two die hard beta readers are male and female, which brings interesting perspectives on boards.
My mission is taking a public interest perspective on the regulation, development and education of an independent and effective legal services sector.
I think this is a really interesting perspective because it is from someone who has to jump head first into something that most of society has had the chance to naturally adapt to.
It's a very interesting perspective vs. my traditional REIT and now growing crowd funding approach.
This blog lends interesting perspective on life as well as the locations.
, the major fair's younger sister, these events have been providing a less centralized, but equally interesting perspective on the international contemporary art scene.
As a part of this winter's wellness challenge, I have been reaching out to various friends who I respect + thought could bring their own interesting perspective to the challenge.
Make special note of the differences of opinion that arise across interest perspectives.
They are here to entertain, not provoke deep thought or bring interesting perspectives to the table.
It's a very interesting perspective vs. my traditional REIT and now growing crowd funding approach.
Nonetheless, this is a significant question from a public interest perspective.
Advice articles from experts in fields related to career and employment topics that offer a fresh, interesting perspective on job searching, personal branding, and career advancement.
Go ahead and argue your side as I think most people here bring interesting perspectives from time to time, but I have yet to see anyone here corner the market on Truth (myself included).
This weekend brings the inaugural Chicago International Movies and Music Festival (see our cover story for background and a schedule), and two of the more prominently featured movies offer interesting perspectives on comic songwriters, one American and the other British.
At the hearing, 24 people from all facets of the legal profession and the public gave thoughtful, interesting perspectives about TWU.
There's one particularly interesting perspective in there: «Chris Anderson, my uber - boss — the editor in chief of Wired magazine and lead editor on Geekdad — suggested a even more intriguing strategy: the «Lego Rule.»
- Use this resource to teach students how to draw using 1 & 2 - point perspective - Learn and understand key terminology - Engage students by showing interesting perspective video clip (link included) to Julian Beever Street Artist.
However, as true as that may be, it could be an altogether more interesting perspective if a game focused more on what it is like for a person should they not fully transform into a zombie, even after seemingly dying; perhaps they have transformed into a zombie and are still urged on by their basic needs, yet they are still capable of understanding that what they are doing is wrong — some semblance of humanity has remained.
Some of his other interesting perspectives include when to start CPP (early is usually best), the «Cash Wedge» model for withdrawals, and enhancing the sustainability of withdrawals by using low volatility securities (such as dividend stocks) in the equity portion of the portfolio.
Dr. Jack Kruse: Well, Justin, you have a pretty interesting perspective already coz when we first started talking outside, you noticed I wasn't wearing these.
: Well, Justin, you have a pretty interesting perspective already coz when we first started talking outside, you noticed I wasn't wearing these.
On the face of it, these points seem as relevant to America's current travails as they were to Rome's fall and certainly more so than either the utopianism of much modern political theory, or its opposite: a frankly self - interested perspective concerned only with national interests and national security.
«Americans tend to vote more from a self - interested perspective rather than demand that their government affect change,» says lead researcher Laurie Rudman of Rutgers University.
I've completed numerous 5 / 3/1 cycles in the past with good results, but I've heard many great things about conjugate and I like the idea of always mixing up the lifts instead of performing the primary lifts over and over (just from a keeping things interesting perspective).
Maggie's Plan provides interesting perspectives relationships and love, suggesting that love is messy and that it's not about who you want to spend the rest of your life with, as much as it's about figuring out who you can't spend your life without.
Naturally, Belón, who receives story credit on the film, provides the most interesting perspective,
This week's curated content includes links exploring the following: how to create effective buttons a great list of resources for creating digital assets Apple's venture into AR and VR Interesting perspectives from the father of VR A great example of how a single visual can be used for learning How AR...
Ray Gigant will tell each character's story through their own unique arcs, which will converge at the game's climax, offering the player numerous interesting perspectives on the game's story simultaneously.
It has a very interesting perspective considering the genre it's in, with a very heavy atmosphere and not that much used gameplay mechanics regarding your own character's survivability.
He offers interesting perspectives on cryptocurrencies, bringing them into context with Hayek's idea of the denationalization of money.
Fowden's conceptual framework provides interesting perspectives for thinking about why communism could not come to the aid of the Soviet Empire to produce either a world empire or a successor commonwealth.
Interesting perspective from a political party head — that Allen giving people a chance to vote their opinion at the polls as opposed to a small group of political hacks making the decision on the nomination, represents a «back door.»
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