Sentences with phrase «interest rate manipulation»

Such a policy is possible among major government powers because central banks allow for arbitrary interest rate manipulation.
In July, Symphony hit something of a roadblock when it found itself under investigation by the New York State Department of Financial Services for offering services similar to those that were used in previous schemes involving interest rate and foreign exchange interest rate manipulation at banks.
Asked about the scandal surrounding interest rate manipulation by Barclay's and other banks, Buffett called it a «big deal» and «can of worms» that «shakes your faith in certain institutions.»
The bank, which has been the subject of legal action over issues ranging from alleged interest rate manipulation to the misselling of payment protection insurance (PPI), is currently conducting a redundancy consultation for those affected.
Update: Symphony, as of Wednesday, is under investigation by the New York State Department of Financial Services for offering services similar to those that were used in previous schemes involving interest rate and foreign exchange interest rate manipulation.
Riddled with as yet unresolved fraudulent manipulations like LIBOR, «Interest Rate Manipulation» is «under the microscope» like never before, as is Forex Trading and Gold Price Suppression, for «similar price fixing» reasons.
The impacts of inflation, interest rate manipulation and arbitrary central bank control can be mitigated or eliminated through the X8currency platform.
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